Page 4 - Industrial_Technology_Extra_16th_November_2020_Classical
P. 4


       How to improve accuracy and

       repeatability when dispensing

       Simon Gibbs, product specialist at Intertronics,
       explains how increasing the precision in an adhesives
       process can improve manufacturing productivity

              ushing up productivity in a bonding
              process often means improving yield or
              quality. An engineer will look at the
       Pproduction with one question  – what
       gains can we get in accuracy and repeatability to
       make us more productive? Improving the
       precision of processes in small incremental
       ways can deliver a significant return on
         Precision  or  repeatability  is
       consistently achieving the same
       results. Whilst measuring accuracy
       tells us how close we get to our
       requirements  on  average,
       measuring precision tells us how
       often we are actually achieving
       them. Your process could be accurate but not
       repeatable, getting the right result but not as   conductive adhesives and potting materials. Precise
       reliably as you need. Improving process   dispensing of these is very important for their
       repeatability impacts on the robustness of your   efficacy, because air entrapment or voids have
       product by making sure that the operation is within   significant impact on their heat transfer
       specified tolerances, either all the time or with   performance. Moreover, detecting this kind of defect
       smaller variances. This brings higher productivity   in process is difficult, as it is often not visible, and
       and more confidence in the process.     may only come to light in subsequent testing or
         Poor precision in a process can decrease yield,   failure in the field.
       adversely affecting rework or scrap rates. For   Precision is particularly important in high value,
       example, some electronics require thermal   low volume industries where scrap is expensive, like
       management through the use of thermally   aerospace or motorsports, as well as in highly

                          November 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p4
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