Page 6 - Industrial_Technology_Extra_16th_November_2020_Classical
P. 6

A pneumatic dispensing valve can further   the rotor, and is not affected by material viscosity,
       improve precision, with the capability to actively   input pressure or ambient temperature.
       turn the flow off and on like a tap. There are a broad   One example of a technology that works on this
       range of valve types available, including needle   principle is the preeflow eco-PEN, which enables
       valves, spool valves and diaphragm valves — the   the user to dispense volumes as small as 0.001 µl
       appropriate valve depends on material chemistry,   within 1 per cent, 99 per cent of the time, offering
       cure mechanism and geometry of output.   a high level of repeatability and accuracy.
       Dispensing valves can mitigate some of the
       variability of the flow from a time/pressure syringe  Positioning with precision
       dispenser, but output can still fluctuate with   Dispensing valves and pumps improve control over
       material viscosity change — something that may   the dispensed amount, but manufacturers looking
       occur with ambient temperature change, for   for a very high level of precision will also want to
       example.                             have repeatability in the placement of the material.
         Dispensing equipment based on some form   Manufacturers can repeat the application of
       positive displacement technology bring the highest   materials with positional accuracy by incorporating
       levels of both accuracy and precision. The output   a robot or other form of automation into their
       from these is a specific volume, and they can   dispensing process. Once the dispensing technology
       preclude the effects of environmental and material   has been specified, it can be mechanised. Options
       variations on dispensed quantity. Jetting valves, for   include rotary tables or simple 3-axis benchtop
       example, may be a good option for manufacturers   robots, usually at modest cost, right up to multi-axis
       looking for speed and/or the ability to dispense very   robots with vision-based control and feedback.
       small dots, or to dispense onto complex 3D   We all understand that robots offer productivity
       surfaces, as well as high accuracy and repeatability.   benefits over humans because they are  faster or
                                            more consistent, and work without breaks. But they
       The highest level of precision       can achieve results not possible manually, such as
       At the higher end of precision, positive   the application of an even bead of liquid gasketing
       displacement dispensing equipment based on the   around a complex profile. Return on investment
       progressive cavity pump principle can achieve high   calculations based on the usual automation benefits
       levels of repeatability and accuracy. A progressive   combined with precision- and accuracy-based
       cavity pump typically consists of a single-helix   productivity gains often show a quick payback.
       metal rotor and a double-helix hole in an   Meeting  material  application
       elastomeric stator. This forms a sequence of small   tolerances using a robot
       discrete cavities which progress through the pump
       as the rotor is turned, transferring the liquid. The
       output  represents  true  volumetric
       dispensing, because the amount of
       material is directly proportional
       to the number of
       rotations  of

                          November 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p6
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