Page 31 - Industrial Technology April 2021 issue
P. 31

Sensor installation


     3                                                                                                             Vibration  &

            STEPS FOR A
       SUCCESSFUL WIRELESS                                                                                  Temperature Monitoring

             s the number of devices                                                                         Programmable Safety
             connected to the Internet of
             Things (IoT) grows, so does the                                                                       Controllers
       Aneed for reliable yet easily
       deployable sensors. Luckily, wireless
       sensor technology is evolving, providing
       manufacturers with practical and cost-                                                                 Precise Positioning
       effective solutions to monitor the
       performance of their equipment. However,
       to reap the full benefits of wireless
       technology, there are a few important steps
       to follow during set up.       transmission data, particularly if they are   cables to sensors, transmitter and
                                      on the same channel. For this reasons,   repeaters to prevent moisture from   Your Global Automation Partner
       1. Undertake a site survey: A sensor’s   Mantracourt’s T24 products have an error   entering.
       signal strength and data capture   checking function to ensure that data is
       capabilities should be assessed on-site. To   transmitted correctly. As well as using a   3. Think about your data: Storing raw data
       do this, after ensuring that the sensor is in   clear channel, users can easily configure   locally is simple but limits live analytical
       place and transmitting, the site can be   the rate at which data is sent to reduce the   capabilities. However, thanks to cloud-
       explored with a receiver, such as one of   competition for bandwidth between   based remote monitoring platforms like
       Mantracourt’s T24 handheld receivers.    transmitting sensors.   SensorSpace data can be analysed in real-
         This allows users to identify any dead                      time, allowing you to quickly identify
       spots and plan their layout accordingly. It’s   2. Extend your sensor’s lifespan: Wireless   trends and take action when needed.
       important to remember that the ground   sensors can spend most of their life in low   SensorSpace can be used to remotely
       can absorb a large portion of the signal, so   power mode and activate to record   monitor the live feed from Mantracourt’s
       both the transmitter and the receiver   measurements and transmit data when   T24 wireless telemetry system 24/7,
       should be located above ground.    needed, meaning that their internal battery   facilitating on-going customer support.
         Other obstacles, such as concrete or   can last for several years. However, in   Furthermore, the system can be configured   Contactless Encoders
       brick walls, metal cladding, ironwork,   some instances when faster transmission   to send direct push notifications via SMS
       metal meshes up to 100mm thick, and,   rates are necessary and no permanent   and email where necessary.
       surprisingly, trees in leaf that contain a lot   supply is available, manufacturers can use   Following these steps, manufacturers
       of water, can impact the signal strength. If   a solar panel or energy harvesting system   can easily measure variables such as linear   * More than 20,000 sensors.
       additional coverage is required, a repeater   such as Mantracourt’s Power Pack 1 and   movement, wind speed, temperature,   * Factory Automation.
       can help extend the sensor’s range and   Solar Panel 1.       loads or torque. The flexibility and ease of   * Process Automation.
       bypass obstacles. It’s also important to   For sensors that operate in particularly   installation of wireless sensors means that   * Hazardous Areas.
       consider the presence of future obstacles   harsh environments, an enclosure can   data can be collected efficiently and cost-  * Harsh Environments.
       that might not be present during the   prevent damage from water or aggressive   effectively, saving money and improving   * Measurement & Inspection.
       installation  – for example, you wouldn’t   chemicals. This is why each of   processes in the long run. Also, it allows
       want to position a wireless sensor behind   Mantracourt’s  wireless  transmitter   for more flexibility in ongoing projects   * LED Lighting & Indicators.
       a spot where lorries often park, or along a   modules can be ordered in one of three IP   where you might only begin with a small   * Vision Systems.
       train track.                   rated enclosures. When choosing or   number of sensors and increase this down   * Machine Safety.
         Radio interference is usually not a   designing an enclosure, it’s important to   the line. In these situations, you can easily   * Vehicle Detection.
       concern, because licensed low power   remember that the radio signal will need   add more wireless sensors, connected to   * Flow, Temperature, Pressure.
       devices that use transmission formats such   an aperture to escape, such as a small   the cloud-based monitoring system,
       as 2.4GHz are surprisingly tolerant to   fibreglass window. Users should also   without the need for costly and   Turck Banner Ltd.
       common interference sources. However,   remember to tighten up any cable glands   disruptive cable installations.   Blenheim House, Blenheim Court,
       having multiple sensors can block or slow   and use a drip loop when connecting   MORE INFORMATION:
                                                                                                            Wickford, Essex, SS11 8YT
                                                                                                            Tel: 01268 578888
       March/April 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY                                                   
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