Page 32 - Industrial Technology April 2021 issue
P. 32



                                                                   SENSORS AND SYSTEMS


            f your job involves integrating IO-Link devices into any   operators to introduce new IO-Link integrations is opening
            kind of automated system, then the chances are you   up – all without the possibilities of errors creeping in and
            will have had to create a Function Block. Function   being repeated. Now, new web-based software technology
         IBlocks are capsules of information that simplify PLC   is being developed that creates IO-Link function blocks
         programming. They are useful tools that can even replace   and integrates device data into a wide range of common
         hardwired physical components for common tasks like   PLC control systems in a matter of minutes. You can
         timers or counters. If, like me, you belong to the ranks of   follow a step-by-step process in a web-browser
         competent, but by no means specialist, PLC programmers   dashboard, and create a fully-tested function block ready
         who use Function Blocks to make system set-up quicker   to use in your code.
         and more reliable, you will probably also find them a   You don’t need to be experienced in IO-Link and
         tedious part of the job that most of us probably don’t look   there’s no need to start searching for parameters, indexes
         forward to.                              and data formats. You can download a library with all of
           So how do you create a Function Block? This involves   the software you need to install the Function Block as well
         writing some code and specifying the inputs and outputs   as the full supporting documentation.
         to that set of instructions. You may include some other   Let’s imagine a production line, where there is a
         functions that already exist within the programming   conveyor system with hundreds of diverter stations. You   content of libraries can be defined individually through
         environment. Then, the whole thing is compiled into a   may want the sensors at each station to be used in very   free selection of the available device parameters and can
         library, along with any other supporting files that help it to   similar ways. Using a function block ‘factory’ gives us a   be adjusted at any time. In addition, process data parser
         work. Once it has been fully tested, the function can be   chance to create the control code very quickly for all the   functions can be generated, simplifying and speeding up
         called on repeatedly by the PLC without needing to repeat   sensors, while still having the ability to tweak each one’s   PLC programming considerably, as well as helping to
         the base code. Just as importantly, the Function Block   exact operation, depending on the inputs selected.    avoid errors. The process data parser function makes it
         must be fully documented so that anyone who uses it later                          possible to systematically access any individual piece of
         also understands what the purpose of the block is, and  Critical data              information in the IO-Link process data, without having
         how it works.                            Now, we will also want to extract critical data from the   been previously informed of its structure and contents
           All this takes time, and that means cost. You might   sensors to aid with timely service and maintenance, as   from manuals.
         have invested hours, and more likely days, depending on   well as to avoid unnecessary downtime. That critical data   You can select special features to reduce programming
         the task in hand and the complexity, to write and test   can be extracted automatically via the Function Block. If   effort significantly. So, for example, the multi-selection
         Function Block functionality. Even then, you still need to   we monitor the level of dirt build-up on the sensor, for   option allows for simultaneous reading of several
         create the library and document the block.   example, then the value of that data is that it allows us to   parameters and there’s no need to program elaborate
           I have had function libraries sent over to me that have   make very accurate predictions about how long we can   sequence chains to read or write the parameters in
         been created in a rush by a colleague in order to help me   expect the sensor to perform at acceptable levels, before it   succession.
         solve a problem. Naturally, I have been grateful, but,   fails and we incur downtime. If, for example, we know that   Enumerators (enums) replace meaningless numbers
         without the documentation to support the block, I have   we have one week or more before an expected failure, we   with names. This not only accelerates the development
         needed to spend considerable time understanding how to   can schedule maintenance to clean the sensors when it   process as it is no longer necessary to look anything up,
         incorporate it into my code. If specific types of data   causes us the absolute least downtime. On the flip side, if   but the source code becomes easier to read and clearer for
         structures have been used in the Function Blocks, that are   a failure is imminent, the data enables us to intervene as   third parties at a later point in time. A subindex access
         not already part of the library, then you must spend extra   soon as practical to prevent unscheduled stops.     function serves to reduce data loss and communication
         time creating them before you can really get moving with   Sick’s Function Block Factory is the first web-based   length. Instead of complete, complex variables – referred
         the project.                             service of its type that enables users to create function   to as records in the IO-Link context – it makes it possible
           The good news is that software tools are now being   blocks automatically for most common PLCs. It will work   to read out defined sub-variables or to change them via a
         developed that can quite literally ‘manufacture’ Function   for any IO-link device with an I/O device description   write function. The entire record therefore does not have
         Blocks in a matter of minutes. As a result, the scope for   (IODD), no matter what the device type or its   to be transmitted back and forth; only a fraction of it must
                                                  manufacturer. To create a Function Block, users simply   be transmitted, namely the sub-variable.
                                                  sign in to the Sick 24/7 web service, select the IODD file   Data is one of the most important commodities of
                                                  for the IO-link device and the chosen PLC system. The   modern factory environments. To fully realise its value, it
                                                  name of the Function Block can be edited to suit naming   must be extracted from the ‘eyes and ears’ of the system
                                                  conventions. Then, the IO-Link parameters and key   as painlessly as possible. Those eyes and ears are the
                                                  features of the Function Block are selected.    sensors, and the data could be anything from a count
                                                     The function block created can be used to read and   value, the amount of dirt on a sensor window or a
                                                  write parameters and service data for any IO-Link device.   reflector.
                                                  It handles the entire acyclic IO-Link communication   The potential to create Function Blocks quickly and
                                                  including data interpretation, index and sub-index   reliably unlocks many more benefits for IO-Link
                                                  resolution as well as byte-swapping, if required.    integrations. It invites users to expand the scope of their
                                                     As part of the library provided, the data structure   automation projects and to try out new ideas. So what
                                                  already contains all required variables, so the need for   will your next project be?
                                                  manual variable declaration is eliminated. The scope and   MORE INFORMATION:

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