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       An enabling technology for a

       wide range of applications

       For those engineers familiar with the traditional electroforming process, Abssac is
       offering a way of looking at a combination of  complexity of shape, wall thickness

       tolerance, integral strength and capability
             he versatile metal bellows play an
             essential role in controlling pressure,
             vacuum and motion, in a broad array of
       Tmachine components and assemblies
       across numerous industry sectors. Metal bellows
       are flexible, spring-like, precision engineered
       components that are typically custom designed to
       perform a variety of engineering purposes. They can
       also be used in flexible electronic contact
         Specifically, precision-engineered metal bellows   fabricated as part of a sealed, leak-tight assembly,
       convert pressure, mechanical, vacuum and   with appropriate ends to allow connection within
       temperature changes into linear or rotational   the equipment itself.
       motion. While the metal bellows itself is typically   In many engineering applications, the bellows
       just one small part of the overall machine assembly,   functions like a spring. But when it is filled with a
       it plays a critical role in the overall functionality of   pressurized liquid or gas, or subject to vacuum
       the system.                          conditions, the bellows will be extremely sensitive
         Today’s advanced manufacturing techniques   to a variety of forces (such as pressure or
       allow metal bellows to be precision engineered and   temperature change) impacting the hydraulic fluid
       manufactured with extremely small dimensions. For   or gas sealed inside or outside the bellows. Since
       example, metal bellows can be manufactured with   the coefficient of expansion of the fluid or gas is
       diameters ranging from 0.51mm to 228.6mm.,   known, the bellows is designed to provide a
       walls as thin as 0.0051mm, and spring rates that   predictable, dynamic mechanical response in
       can be controlled to ±10%.           response to these forces.
         A metal bellows has the physical form of a   Typically, the compression and extension of the
       flexible, lightweight, spring-like accordion (with the   spring-like bellows provides a predictable, dynamic
       appearance of ribbed or corrugated tubing). In both   linear response along its long axis (axial stroke
       vacuum and pressure applications, bellows are   motion), thus performing some engineering function

                            July 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p8
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