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the stem, so as the gate moves, the bellows   By comparison, a pogo pin (a spring-loaded pin
       expands or contracts to keep fluids from leaking out   inside a sleeve) requires much more compression
       of the stem. Two examples include pressure-relief   before it starts to conduct electricity. Similarly, a
       valves for overpressure in fuel systems, and inlet   bellows in a contact assembly can withstand
       valves for transferring hazardous fluids (both of   vibration, angular offset or displacement better than
       which have very low tolerance for fluid leakage).   a pogo pin, and bellows can be made in any size.
       Similarly, in valve applications involving cryogenic
       fluids, the use of a bellows can ensure a hermetic  Primary manufacturing techniques
       seal (while packing and O-rings may be susceptible   In general, metal bellows are produced using one of
       to shrinkage under those extremely low   three main techniques those being electrodeposition
       temperatures).                       (also called electroforming), edge welding and
         5. Volume compensation and fluid power   hydroforming. Each technique has certain
       applications:  Bellows serve multiple roles in these   advantages and disadvantages. In terms of the
       applications. For instance, they can be used as   materials that can be used and also the bellows
       hydraulic dampeners (to bridge the gap between   dimensions it is able to manufacture, and the
       two shafts or hoses and dampen the impact of   performance characteristics and engineering
       vibration between them), as flexible seals to allow   capabilities of the finished bellows it can produce.
       for the adjustment of the dampening rate, and as   Among  these  manufacturing  techniques,
       volume compensators to alleviate temperature-  electrodeposition and edge welding are discussed
       related volume changes in a fluid. Cryogenic volume   below, since these two techniques offer
       compensation is a typical example. Bellows can   demonstrable advantages over hydroforming.
       often provide a better solution to venting an   Electrodeposited bellows: Electrodeposited
       overpressure or high-pressure situation to the   bellows are extremely rugged and lightweight. They
       atmosphere.                          are produced by plating metal (most often nickel,
         6. Mechanical seals: Thanks to their flexibility   copper, gold and silver or a combination of these)
       and ability to compress or extend in a predictable   onto a precision-machined, bellows-shaped form or
       way in response to pressure or temperature   aluminum mandrel. The edges are trimmed, and
       changes, bellows can function as flexible seals or   the mandrel is chemically dissolved. Silver, copper
       metal membranes to seal shafts that rotate or move   and gold are also available as surface finishes if
       in an axial direction. A bellows may be used to seal   needed, to reduce corrosion risk or improve media
       a shaft on an actuator to prevent contamination   compatibility.
       from scoring the shaft and thus provide prolonged   This electrodepostion process allows the
       operational life.                    manufacture of bellows with precisely controlled
         7. Electrical contacts: The metallic construction   wall thickness (as thin as 0.0051mm), and with
       of the bellows provides good electrical conductivity.   the smallest possible diameters (as small as
       Metal bellows provide a useful function in contact   0.051mm). At these dimensions, the resulting tiny
       assemblies that transmit a small current and deliver   bellows are extremely sensitive — up to 25 times
       a defined force against the opposing contact   more sensitive than hydroformed bellows — and
       surface. A bellows provides a sensitive, reliable   thus are able to provide very large deflections in
       mechanism, which will start conducting electricity   response to the application of very small forces (as
       as soon as it touches the opposing surface.   small as 4 grams).

                            July 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p11
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