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       Precision motors are boosting

       modern defence developments

       Some of the smallest motors can be found in the defence industry, where precision,
       efficiency, reliability and compactness are essential. Here, Stewart Goulding,

       managing director of precision drive system supplier EMS, explains why small
       precision motors are essential for defence manufacturing and development

             he defence industry is a valuable part of   can move with high levels of precision, allowing the
             the UK economy. As threats become more   rockets to accomplish missions accurately even at
             complex, UK Defence needs equipment   high performing vectors.
       Tthat is precise, long-lasting and capable of
       operating in the most extreme environments. In  Exoskeletons
       October 2018, a paper was published in Defence   An exoskeleton is a wearable suit powered by a
       Industry Bulletin, which discussed turning simple   combination of electric motors, levers, hydraulics
       rockets into smart missiles. The paper reported that   and pneumatics, which provides limb movement
       technological developments and miniaturisation   with more strength and endurance limits for the
       mean that small laser-seekers in unguided munition   wearer. According to 360 Market Updates, the
       system can now be incorporated, giving them   military exoskeleton industry across the aerospace
       guided capabilities.                  and defence sector is expected to grow by 65 per
         One of the first to adopt this technology was   cent by 2023.
       the French missile industry. This allowed      An exoskeleton could be likened to a
       them to transform the nation’s ageing systems   sort of mechanical armour. Sensors are
       in 2005. The warhead and guiding system are   fitted to the structure and record the
       fitted onto a miniaturised motor, making the   movements of the soldier wearing it.
       system more compact and more efficient than    The  information  collected  is
       many American counterparts.                    transmitted  to  the  machine's
         Micromotors with high power ratios and       mechanised muscles, or electric
       levels of reliability are crucial to this     motors that power the soldier's
       transformation as they allow for finer and    movement.
       more precise movements in the missile            All the motors in the machine
       guidance systems, all while maintaining the     must be synchronized to enable it to
       smaller sizes. This means that the ordinance    optimise and balance a soldier

                            July 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p14
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