Page 18 - Industrial Technology July 2021
P. 18


          MIX MASTERS

                                                     PRODUCT HANDLING


                  hen mixing liquids, pastes and powders   therefore time and labour — from the
                  during an industrial process, manufacturers   process. THINKY Mixers enable you to
                  may identify issues that lead them to   simultaneously mix, disperse and degas
         Wconsider alternative methods. Common    materials in jar, beaker syringe tube or
         areas for improvement include variance due to a manual   cartridge — and so can free up time that
         process, difficulty validating the process, or a high defect   would otherwise be spent manually
         rate. Manufacturers may also have productivity reasons to   mixing, degassing, filling and decanting.
         change their mixing processes, such as to increase   This can both speed up the process to
         throughput or reduce waste.              improve throughput and potentially
           Many industrial applications require fast, homogenous   productivity, and free up the operator’s
         mixing of materials, including adhesives, inks, cosmetics,   time to perform value-added activities
         and pharmaceuticals. It could be the combination of   elsewhere. There may be an indirect
         materials of differing viscosities, or the addition of solids   health and safety benefit too, because
         such as conductive powders, catalysts, phosphors, fillers   manual mixing can lead to repetitive
         or even nanoparticles, into liquids or pastes. There are   strain injury (RSI).
         multiple methods of mixing materials. One common   Because material does not have to be
         approach is contact mixing, which can range from stirring   decanted between containers and the
         with a stick, using glass stirrers and beakers, electric   process is non-contact, it reduces the
         stirrers with blades or paddles, or magnetic stirrers.   amount of wasted material left in a
           Manufacturers usually look to change their mixing   previous vessel or on a paddle or stirrer,
         process if they identify specific issues or areas for   greatly  reducing  cleaning  the
         improvement. It might be to reduce the time or number of   requirements and meaning there is a
         steps required; a mixing process could require material to   minimal risk of cross contamination
         be weighed into a cup, mixed, degassed, decanted into a   between batches.
         syringe or other dispensing technology, and then perhaps
         even degassed again. Alternatively, there may be problems  Quality and yield
         with quality and repeatability; the paddle or stirrer may   THINKY Mixers enable precise and
         introduce air into the mixture, homogeneity may vary   repeatable control of the mixing process,
         between operators or contamination might be introduced   which can lead to improved formulation
         between batches.                         quality, reduced human error and less
           An alternative to contact mixing is planetary   variation between batches due to operator
         centrifugal mixing. The non-contact mixing action of this   technique or skill. Process variables like
         technology combines rotation and revolution within a set   time and speed are programmable and
         radius to achieve a fast, fully homogeneous mix. These   stored in “recipes”, so the mixing is the
         mixers can mix, disperse and degas materials in seconds   same each time.
         to minutes in the user’s own product container. Contrary   The technology can also prevent
         to contact mixing, they also tend to remove air rather than   serious product defects that occur from
         cause it to be entrapped.                incomplete mixing. For example, when
                                                  working with a two-part adhesive, if homogenous mixing
         Determining ROI                          is not achieved it can lead to incomplete cure. Material
         When determining the possible ROI of new mixing   that has not fully cured may be unable to withstand the   Mixing using rollers, blades or propellors can cause
         equipment, the first step is to understand the intricacies of   chemical, structural or environmental conditions the   physical damage to fillers, and subject the materials to
         the mixing process for your specific application and   product will be subjected to — full cure is required to   high rates of shear which can be harmful. Non-contact
         determine exactly what it is you wish to achieve. Building   achieve the parameters listed on the data sheet. In these   mixing is effective at controlling shear during mixing, and
         up a clear picture of the current process will help   cases, the partially cured material either must be   is usually quite benign to the products.
         determine the most suitable equipment for you to trial but   mechanically or chemically removed, or the entire part
         will also help you understand the indirect cost savings, as   discarded. If you are operating a multi-step process and by  Costs and other considerations
         well as the more obvious direct ones.    the time adhesive is applied the product has been heavily   Understanding the requirements of the process and what
           One benefit of using a planetary centrifugal mixer, such   invested in, you may find that the payback period for a   steps are required is central to equipment choice; there
         as a THINKY Mixer, is that it can remove steps — and   THINKY mixer is extremely rapid.    are different types of planetary mixer, offering a range of

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