Page 19 - Industrial Technology July 2021
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       functionalities. Some are pure mixing models, some   Precision mixing contains costs
       perform both mixing and removal of visible bubbles and
       some can both mix and degas to a high level under an
       integral vacuum — and removing micro-bubbles down to     pre-pilot mixing plant is using wireless   watery, cheap and ineffective; overly high viscosity and
       100 microns diameter. Opting for a machine with more   TorqSense transducers for ultra-accurate   it is unpleasant and greasy.
       functionalities than you need will increase upfront costs.   viscosity  measurement  of  high-value   “There is an optimum point where the product feels
         Assessing both the volume and frequency of the  Acompounds. The plant is used to prepare small   luxurious and high quality, which is what needs to be
       mixing process are important in determining firstly which   batches of compounds from shampoo and detergent to   identified for each formulation. In the past this was done
       mixer to invest in and which consumables you will need.   cosmetics, therapeutic and medical preparations. Some   manually, so was completely subjective and
       A machine capable of mixing larger volumes will be more   of the ingredients in the compounds are very expensive,   unquantifiable: TorqSense has changed this to a precise
       expensive, so it may be more cost effective to mix   so product developers are loath to make large batches   and scientific procedure.”
       materials in smaller batch sizes. For example, if you are   early in the formulation process.    TorqSense is a wireless sensor, which is not
       mixing 500g of material, splitting it into five batches that   Instead, they start with 850 millilitre samples for the   physically connected to the mixer shaft by slip rings.
       fit into a smaller machine might offer better ROI.   early stages of each project, then once the recipe is well-  Instead, it monitors the torque via radio waves. A shaft
         Weighing up all the indirect costs from the process,   proven, move on to pilot-scale work where the samples   deforms very slightly when it rotates, the amount of
       labour and quality factors against the cost of the mixer   are measured in thousands of litres. The final   deformation being proportional to the
       can help to determine the payback period and the ROI of   stage is, of course, full-scale         torque. TorqSense measures the
       the equipment. Like all mixing processes, a THINKY   production where volumes may                          deformation so that it
       Mixer will require some ongoing expenditure in mixing   be truly enormous.                                  can     calculate
       containers. There is a trade-off of disposable versus   The TorqSense transducers                            torque. To do this
                 reusable containers, remembering to   were supplied by Sensor Tech-                                two tiny piezo-
                    factor in cleaning time for the latter.   nology of Banbury, whose Mark                        electric combs are
                     For critical processes, the risk of   Ingham explains the                                  glued to the surface of the
                      cross contamination may mean   design of the pre-                                        shaft at right angles to one
                      you are required to use single use   pilot plant: “It can                                another; shaft deformation
                       containers. The ultimate solution   take three hours or                                  will expand one comb
                       would be to mix in the final   more to make a                                            and compress the other.
                      packaging container, which is a   single sample, each                                     The radio frequency
                     feasible option if required.    produced with precision accuracy – and                signal emitted by the TorqSense
                       Mixer choice will depend on   development programmes need a great             is reflected back by the combs, with its
                   volume and features, that is to say   many samples. Clearly this cannot be done   frequency changed in proportion to the combs’
                 integral vacuum. A good supplier will   manually. Automating the basic mixing process is in   deformation.
               have the ability to address your mixing   principle straightforward; for this the plant has four   “The procedure to set up the TorqSense is very
               challenge by doing laboratory evaluations   workstations based on paddle mixers, each of which is   simple, says Mark. “Solution’s using other technologies
               and demonstrations with you. Their previous   monitored by a TorqSense.”    would probably take several hours to set up. With a
               experience will help you develop the best   TorqSense constantly assesses the level of torque in   regime of up to 30 tests per day, TorqSense is the only
                combination of mixing parameters for an   a driven shaft. Often, this is used to measure the power   real solution for this plant.”
                  optimal outcome.                 being provided by the drive motor. However, in this case   Other TorqSense attributes that have been made full
                      The return on investment     it is the opposite – TorqSense is used to calculate the   use of are its enormous overload capacity, which enables
                     calculations will include time   drag being exerted on the paddle and shaft by the liquid   it to cope with robust and demanding test cycles, and its
                      savings (both in mixing and in   being mixed.                        digital output. The output is fed straight into a computer
                     process preparation and clean-up),   “The mixing process changes the viscosity of the   program that compares viscosity measurements with the
                     and mixed quality including   liquid, which is what causes the drag,” says Mark. “In   ingredient ratios and calculates changes to the recipes
                     consistency  and  bubble-free.   the first instance the TorqSenses are looking for the   for optimised results. Mark sums up: “This plant is in
                    Sometimes, the combination of mix   viscosity to stabilise to a steady value that won’t change   effect a totally automated laboratory that can develop
                   ratios, viscosities, liquids, pastes and   any further no matter how much more mixing is done.    perfect formulations in a closed loop calculation. It has
                  solids cannot be mixed successfully   “Then they measure that very accurately. The   changed pre-pilot tests from time-consuming trial
               any other way.                      viscosity is what gives the final commercial product its   and error to precision materials science.”
       MORE INFORMATION:    sense of quality: a low viscosity and the product feels   MORE INFORMATION:

       Technical innovation for mixing and agitation

              ord Drivesystems has developed a powerful   compact design enables operation under ultimate external   lowers maintenance costs. Not only is the oil level and
              combination for use in mixing and agitation   loads. For agitation applications, a combination with the   thus the required oil volume lower, but thanks to fewer
              processes: The MAXXDRIVE industrial gear   SAFOMI IEC adapter  is recommended, in which an oil   attached components the installation space is also
       Nunits with the new SAFOMI-IEC adapter is   expansion chamber is directly integrated.   reduced.
       specifically developed for mixers to improve operational   SAFOMI is available for MAXXDRIVE parallel gear   For the further reduction of wearing parts and attached
       reliability and reduce the need for the replacement of   units in the sizes 7 to 11 covers maximum output torques   components, Nord recommends a combination of
       wearing parts. In combination with the NORDAC FLEX SK   from 25 to 75kNm. SAFOMI impresses with its compact   MAXXDRIVE industrial gear unit, SAFOMI-IEC adapter, a
       200E frequency inverter for the power range up to 22kW,   and simple design and integrated oil equalization volume,   drive motor and NORDAC FLEX SK 200E. The frequency
       a flexible unit with low maintenance is offered.   which means that there is no need for oil tanks and hoses   inverter can be flexibly installed and features a high output
         MAXXDRIVE industrial gear units, an integral part of   or the shaft sealing ring between the gear unit and the IEC   range as well as a wide choice of optional functions and
       the Nord portfolio for ten years, offer high output torques   cylinder, which is prone to leakage and wear. Using the   accessories. It can be directly mounted on the motor
       from 15 to 282kNm and ensure smooth operation even   SAFOMI-IEC adapter instead of the standard IEC adapter   without control cabinet.
       under demanding conditions. The FEM-optimised and   on the agitator drive increases operational reliability and   MORE INFORMATION:

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