Page 15 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - Brexit Briefing
P. 15


        BUSINESSES                           COVID CASES IN EMERGING MARKEKTS (TO NOV 2020)



        The international outlook for R&D is
        promising despite strong headwinds,
        according to research by Ayming Group.
        Ayming’s second annual International
        Innovation Barometer (IIB) reveals that
        R&D departments are being empowered
        by the creation of innovation ecosystems,
        new   funding  methods,  and  the
        deployment of technology.
                                             US CORE PCE INFLATION TO CROSS 2.5% MORE QUICKLY
        R&D teams remain resolute in the face of
        several key obstacles. Not only has
        Covid-19 caused expectations for budget
        increases to decline 12%, but complexity
        is making it increasingly difficult to
        innovate  successfully,  international
        competition for talent is fierce, and
        collaboration is proving challenging.

        However, advances in technology are
        empowering R&D professionals, who see
        it as the most important driver of
        innovation, selected by 39% of survey
        respondents. All the same,  the growing
        technical  nature  of  R&D  means
        businesses are looking for outside
        support, with use of external private
        resources up from 35 to 48%. Collab-
        oration may be down, but a new                                         back. Morgan Stanley projects that its
        outsourcing hybrid model is emerging   Emerging markets lead the rebound   economy will expand 9% in 2021, before
        whereby big companies create an     Emerging markets, excluding China, have   moderating  toward  5.4%  in  2022.
        innovation ecosystem with smaller ones.   faced numerous cyclical challenges in recent   Nonetheless, every recession leaves its mark
                                            years. Now, with more favorable Covid-19   and the Covid recession will, as well – with
        The funding landscape has also      dynamics in many developing nations,   the return of inflation. “When it comes to
        diversified. Incentives remain crucial, with   emerging markets could set the pace for   inflation, we see a very different dynamic
        R&D tax credits most popular at 4%, but   global growth. Ahya says: “Trade-dependent   taking hold, especially in the US,” says Ahya,
        applications remain overcomplicated – a   economies, like Korea and Taiwan, are   noting that the consensus hasn’t fully
        particular problem for SMEs with limited   already well into their recoveries, while in the   embraced this concept.
        resources. SMEs often cannot finance   large, arguably more domestic demand-
        R&D themselves, so these challenges   oriented economies, like India and Brazil, a   Put simply, the pandemic has caused an
        have caused a jump in private funding,   number of indicators have recently exceeded   unemployment spike to levels not seen in
        with equity/debt funding up 6%, and   pre-COVID-19 levels and are registering   generations, and policymakers are expected
        crowdfunding up 17%.                positive year-on-year growth.”     to do whatever it takes to create jobs and
                                                                               return employment to pre-Covid levels as
        Mark Smith, partner of innovation   Morgan Stanley economists expect this   quickly as possible  – even as economic
        incentives at Ayming UK, says: “The pace   momentum to continue into next year. At the   output improves. Those stimulus policies will
        of economic change is rapid, and     same time, emerging markets should benefit   eventually pressure wages upward, lifting
        Covid-19 has added fuel to the fire. And,   from widening US current account deficits,   inflation. “These reflationary policies will also
        while the impact of the pandemic on R&D   low US real interest rates, a weaker dollar,   have key implications for global growth, and
        has yet to fully reveal itself, companies   and  accommodative  macroeconomic   especially for emerging markets, because of
        must   innovate  through  market    policies. That adds up to 7.4% GDP growth   a shift in the US savings-investment
        downturns. Fortunately, this report reveals   for emerging markets in 2021, led by a   balance,” Ahya says. The economics team
        that businesses and governments alike   forecast 9.8% improvement in India.   believes that this change in regime will in turn
        are discovering new ways both to fund                                  drive US dollar weakness and ultimately set
        their innovation and make it more   Meanwhile, China – which was the first to   the scene for a reflationary impulse for the
        productive.”                        impose Covid-19 closures  – has quickly
                                            regained ground, as consumption roars   rest of the world.

                                                                        INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA – WINTER 2021  15
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