Page 23 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 23
In a perfect world where your We want to thank your company,
cannabis activism services are no Schindlers. You are the only real
longer needed, where would we find established law firm that openly
you? – Most likely in the pharmaceutical supports cannabis. Why is that you
or mining industry. My long-term goal is
to convince big pharmaceutical think? – I think law firms were hesitant
organisations to stop trying and oppose to support cannabis legalisation at first
the legalisation of cannabis and while the Constitutional Court
psylocibin and to rather embrace the determined the legality thereof. The law
more natural healing properties they fraternity is quite a conservative group
have to offer and get on the train to very hesitant to change and while I
include this in their own medicinal range think there are other law firms
as well. That, or I’m also considering providing cannabis law related services,
targeting mines to start and rehabilitate they prefer to not do it in the spotlight.
their used-up mining grounds with Or it could also be that other law firms
hemp, since it has yielded very positive know we are so far ahead in the field
results for microbial removing of heavy that no other newly established
metals in the ground and has a very high department could compete ;)
tolerance to the contaminants. Plus, it
would be very healthy for the
environment so everybody wins!