Page 24 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 24

Why do you think it is taking so long                     How  do  you  feel  about  the  black
     for  the  full  commercialisation  of                     farmers  association  of  South-Africa

     cannabis  in  South  Africa?  The                         that held a protest in Pretoria?
     cannabis master plan? Do we have an                       They  called  out  the  government’s  agency
     estimated time period for all of this? –                  that  regulates  cannabis  for  blocking

      I think it is for a number of reasons and                indigenous  farmers  from  participating  in
     one  can  only  speculate.  But  certainly                the country’s budding legal weed industry.
     government  has  its  eye  on  the  market                – I think this comes back to my statement
     value  and  is  profits  their  main  focus.              about  cannabis  still  being  seen  as  a

     Also  why  there  is  little  planned  in  the            dangerous  drug  and  consequently  you
     master  plan  to  stop  the  arrest  of  small            need  a  section  22C  medicinal  license  just
     scale  cannabis  dealers  just  trying  to                to  handle  or  grow  it.  Medical  licenses
     make       a    living     in     rural     areas.        require  medical  grade  equipment  and
     Government  still  sees  cannabis  as  a                  administration which is very expensive. I
     dangerous drug and not another healthy                    support  the  initiative  that  indigenous

     plant  from  my  point  of  view.  Don’t  get             farmers are being excluded to participate
     me wrong, the cannabis master plan is a                   in the legal weed industry but don’t think
     step in the right direction with timelines                it  is  because  SAHPRA  are  maliciously
     for implementation ranging from 2021 to                   denying  them  their  applications.  It  could

     2024.  However,  people  remain  sceptical                well be that they just don’t have the funds
     since they also didn’t meet the deadline                  required to set up a Good Manufacturing
     ordered  by  the  Constitutional  Court  in               Practices  (GMP)  compliant  facility  that
     2018  when  government  had  24  months                   would  pass  a  medical  grade  facility
     to  amend  legislation  to  be  in  line  with            inspection.  I  think  the  black  farmers
     the constitution.                                         association  should  rather  have  marched

                                                               on  parliament  demanding  that  they  can
                                                               grow  cannabis  commercially  without

                                                               requiring a medical license at all. SAHPRA
                                                               has standards that need to be met before a
                                                               medical  license  can  be  issued,  regardless
                                                               of    your      nationality,     race,     political
                                                               association      or    any     other     form     of
    Anything  you  want  to  say  to  the  cannabis            discrimination  that  one  might  suspect.

    community?” – Let’s grow together! While a                 The  true  test  would  thus  be  if  those
    lot  of  business  ideas  are  currently  being            claiming  to  be  excluded  did  indeed  meet
    hindered, there are legal ways to enter into               all  the  requirements  of  a  section  22C
    the  market.  As  for  the  private  users,  we            license  and  SAHPRA  still  denied  the

    keep on fighting cases where cannabis users                license.
    have been treated unfairly and are making
    great progress in the labour law space to try
    and     protect      cannabis      users     in    the
    workplace. If you feel you have been treated

    unfairly  in  respect  of  cannabis  use,  reach
    out,  and  let  our  team  of  experts  give  you
    some peace of mind.
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