Page 38 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 38
SUSTAINABLE BRANDS That is 7.9 Billion consumers
We are living in an age where life has creating waste on a daily basis. On
become fast paced and more efficient the ONLY planet we have in this
and is progressing rapidly by the day. vast expanse. In the end that waste
You can get almost anything delivered to has to go somewhere. And that is
your door at the touch of a button. And your normal everyday living waste.
then came the pandemic and with that e- Not even the additional
commerce took off like a wildfire in an unnecessary junk that we create.
open veld in the middle of winter.
Nothing wrong with that!! Small business So where do we start?
flourished, entrepreneurs learnt quickly As a brand owner, I believe that it
to adapt and progress with time. And life should start with us. I send out a lot
went on. of parcels. Now if I were to
package and add filler to every box
The other side of e-commerce for every product I send out, I
But there is a side to this, that hasn't would be putting out tons of junk
really been looked at or addressed. With that would eventually end up in a
só many new e-commerce businesses pile somewhere ultimately
starting to operate, there is a sudden flux damaging the environment. And
in deliveries going out and couriers that is just me!! I am one of the
delivering packages. The thing is not thousands of businesses that send
about what is been delivered but what is out parcels every day. And
going out with those deliveries… remember it's not only small
businesses. The bigger the
Whats in the box? business the bigger the impact. As
What about the product packaging, the a brand there are a few small
box filler that protects the package from changes that you can make to start
damage? What about all that waste that a ball rolling to a better impact on
is sent out with a parcel that will probably the environment.
be ripped off, thrown out the box, and
end up in the bin headed for the dump?
Think about it really. How many times
have you received a package via the
courier or post and when you opened up
the box there was loads of plastic filling
and product packaging that was going to
be discarded? I get loads of parcels and
I can honestly say that 90% of them
have waste plastic to fill the box which is
really of no use!! As of May 2021, there
are around 7.9 Billion people living on
this floating rock orbiting around that big
bright ball of burning gas in a vast
universe of nothing eles but stars and