Page 39 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 39
What is Dem Roots doing!! Cost effective and sustainable.
So I will tell you from my side(Dem I am also looking into a cost-effective
Roots) what I have started to do, to try sustainable solution for the garments
and make a difference. Even if a little themselves. Now Hemp would be the
one. First thing I did was speak to my ultimate raw material but in South
suppliers. I get a lot of stock t-shirts in. Africa, it doesn't come cheap due to it
When I first started each shirt was being a rather unique product and
individually packed in a clear plastic most of it is imported and the
bags. 60 t-shirts = 60 plastic bags that suppliers know that the product is
have absolutely no purpose apart from well a wanted, sourced after product
protecting the shirt until it arrives at the so prices remain rather high. But in
customer. So I asked that all gear be the end, the product would be great
sent without plastic wrapping. for sustainability as the garment
lasts. But in time I will make the
I then switched to recycled brown change needed. Now its not a thing
paper bags which I packed the gear in of change everything at the snap of a
when it went out. And with that I was finger but if each brand were to make
able to write a little personal Thank you small gradual changes to their
note to my customer on the bag. With process, the knock-on effect would
most of my products I send out a be immense. The thing is, it takes a
couple of slap stickers. These are also collected effort to make a small
made from plastic. Now this may get change. Yes this all starts with the
stuck on some surface somewhere and brands but it should also be passed
stay there for many years but over time on from supplier to consumer
it will become brittle, and break up, and because this is something we will all
eventually be discarded.
be affected by.
So I decided to switch to a recyclable Be a part of the change!!
material and these are also printed with
environmentally friendly inks.These So when you as the customer buys a
product what can you doing to
stickers were attached to the garment reduce your eco-friendly footprint?
with a small plastic tag so instead of
that I either place it loose in the bag Ask the supplier not to package your
but in future will be using a recycled purchase with plastic. Ask for paper
filling and product bags instead. Do
twine to connect the sticker to the shirt.
When it comes to the products I have some research on the products you
manufactured I try to source buy. If there is an environmentally
friendly product available why not get
environmentally friendly raw materials.
So with the small tote bag I did, for it instead? Reuse, Reduce, Recycle -
example, I found bags made from If you can reuse the packaging etc
that your parcel comes in then do it.
recycled cotton. Waste that would also
have ended up dumped somewhere. Support businesses and brands that
are trying to make a difference. A
collected effort goes a long way.
Supporting them shows you care
too!! And be the difference yourself!!
Lead by example and lets work
together to create a better future for
our children.