Page 44 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 44

My wife Natalie and I started the company
                                                              I Love Dagga and the main aim behind this

                                                              was  about  supporting  local  farmers  and

    Hey and High All Dave Sewell here, Activist,  your  local  community  as  well  as  breaking
    Educator, Grower and Social Club Owner at  the  stigma  of  the  word  ‘Dagga’  which

    The Toke House.                                           originates from the Khoi San word ‘Dacha’,
                                                              our heritage and we Love the word Dagga!

    I have been using/smoking Dagga every day
    for  the  last  25  years  for  headaches  after  a  I  arranged  with  the  help  of  our  great

    motorcycle  accident  I  had  back  in  the  day  Cannabis  Community  the  last  2  Pretoria

    when I was a cop as advised back then from  High  Court  protests  for  The  Dagga  Couple
    2  different  doctors.  I  have  always  loved  from  Fields  of  Green  as  well  as  the

    Dagga  but  my  passion  for  this  plant  really  Constitutional  Court  protest.  I  was  Blessed
    came to light about 4 and a half years ago  to be in the Constitutional Court on the 18th

    when  my  wife  was  diagnosed  with  Colon  September  2018  when  Judge  Zondo
    Cancer.  I  started  making  my  own  and  decriminalised Dagga for private use (what

    promoting  Dagga  'medicinal'  products  but  a phenomenal day that was).

    only if it came with a test certificate.
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