Page 53 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 53
Jules and Myrtle sent hand-packed envelopes I can say without weed I wouldn't have
full of stickers, posters and flyers to share made it through my pregnancy , mentally
awareness of their trial of the plant. I had and physically. (but you won't find that
found a new passion for life. Completely when you do a google search “is it safe to
convinced by my own experience, armed consume marijuana while pregnant”...
with the knowledge I had accrued over the obviously) I have spent the last 8 years
years I was ready to take on the world! I actively normalizing cannabis in my
marched , I sang, I smoked and was hated household, I feel that if a 'plants over pills'
but many for it. I've been criminalised and moral can be set in a home place it should
judged and arrested for being a bad human be, and as such we follow and practice
for consuming a plant, I felt the pain, it what we preach. We live on a small
ignited and fueled my drive. communal farm, aiming to be completely
self-sufficient and completely independent
The hate mail and trolling was new to me of the state , we grow our own food, and
back in 2010/2011 as was facebook, but the weed, we filter our own boerhole water
haters have hated, and it fueled me. I've used and have zero municipal services , and
my social media account to create thus live in a less-consumerism-driven
awareness, normalise and educate others on way, with spirituality & sustainability
Cannabis – now celebrated but 10 years being our foremost purpose in life.
ago... frowned upon
Thirty-two years in the making, how do I
I then met Hendri, at a Psyfestival put that on paper? I’m a Mother to a
PschoStompers, and we created our love beautiful 8 year old daughter, a Wife, A
child Mia-Willow Greyling on a rose quartz Daughter and Granddaughter, Cannabis
farm in rivier sonderend. -Being Pregnant Cultivator, Human Rights Activist,
and Pro-Cannabis is 2012 was a continuous Entrepreneur, Psytrance Party Organiser,
struggle as I had Hyperemesis gravidarum D-Jane and Light Warrior – just to name a
(HG) , which is an extreme form of morning few labels
sickness that causes severe nausea and
vomiting during pregnancy , I was honest
with all my doctors, gyneas etc about my use
of marijuana to alleviate the nausea and
“morning-sickness” My doctor even
encouraged me with a wink when he was
convinced on how healthy me and my child
were considering I couldn't keep a morsel of
food down for 7 months .