Page 54 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 54
I have successfully cultivated over 350 of my 10 years ago, I said that I'd love to find a
own cannabis plants, from seed '( or clone) slow-release THC capsule that would
to harvest Indoors Deep Water Culture enable me to feel the effect of cannabis
hydroponics, greenhouse and outdoors -- I throughout the day without having to
do my own extracts and create my own physically smoke weed every hour .
products.( which are all independently Having been diagnosed with depression at
tested and certified). I actively encourage 14 I was thrown onto pharmaceutical anti-
women to grow their own weed and to play depressants at that age I was desperate to
a more vocal and active role in the cannabis find a long-lasting solution using the only
community, by empowering other females thing that had ever worked for me …
in the community we all rise together - Dagga. This inspired me to R&D Full
#werisebyraisingothers Spectrum Cannabis Oil Capsules to specific
#wefixeachotherscrowns #strongertogether dosage .
I've be blessed with the opportunities to Over the years we have accumulated many
work with and host events with and for friends who use our Capsules for medicinal
many of South Africa's Female Cannabis purposes to treat ailments ranging from
Industry Leaders – These women are strong Post-op trauma, sciatic nerves, arthritis,
independent and inspirational in so many bipolar, ADHD to cancer – pain
ways -Many with the same goal in mind – to management and more.
empower females in the cannabis industry
by sharing their own knowledge and
experiences with others to create awareness
through education.
In August 2020 I was approached to host the
Women's day High Chai in Cape Town , in
conjunction with some amazing women in
the industry , al the ladies had an absolutely
fabulous high chai and created friendships
and networking relationships that still stand
strong today . There is something very
powerful being surrounded by strong like-
minded women .