P. 17

Make  your  day  more                  But  for  those  who  prefer    Let change your simple day with

      colorful  with  the  shade  of         dressing  in  the  basic  tone  that   sailor  blue  ascot  in  Trapeze
      ‘Cherry Tomato’; the active, hot       simple but hit, Pantone gives us       dress  matching  with  white  or

      with  energy orangery red color.       such  the  ‘Warm  Sand’  and           cream  shoes.  See,  what  a

      Exactly,  this color  ranks  on the    ‘Sailor Blue’ shade. Making you        casual but graceful style!

      list of the year 2018 forecasting      feel  comfy  and  warm,  Warm                  STAY  TUNED  and  get
      color trend. Rather than showing       Sand  color  could  help  the          yourself  ready  for  those  color

      up  with  soft  color  on  your        fashionista  mix  and  match  with     trend  that  coming  with  2018

      apparel,  why  don’t  pick  some       ease.  Covered  a  white  T-  shirt    spring  and  summer  season.
      bright purple trousers and match       with warm sand suit and trousers       Color forecasting trend is just an

      with such splendid cherry tomato       with  the  same  color.  How  cool!    option for those fashion lover in

      shirt. It could make you never get     And if you want to feel peace and      creating  their  looks  and  styles.

      out of a spot!                         calm, Sailor Blue would fit your       The  point  is,  dressing  is
                                             clothes the most.
                                                                                    individual  in  making  own  style.

                                                                                    So,  keep  wearing  what  make
                                                                                    you feel enjoy and confident!
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