P. 21
With special functions of JOOX There are many choices for
music application, I am the one listening to music in nowadays.
who decided to download JOOX But JOOX music application is
music application on both my one of the most popular
computer and smartphone. The applications which were
most fascinating point is I can downloaded onto almost every
use it for free both to download smartphone. Just going on to
on App store and enjoy listening JOOX music application page,
to my favorite songs. It is such a searching your favorite songs or
convenient application whether top chart playlists, you can easily
going out I can listen to music in enjoy listen to music you like for
everywhere I go, or when coming free.
back home I can continue
listening to my favorite songs on You won’t never get out of
computer. Because of the offline music trend or every new-
music mode, I can use this rel eased song updating here.
application every time with non- Don’ t wast e your time, just pick
Wi-Fi connection. On free time, I up your phone and downl oad it!
can also sing any updated songs Here, a variety of music is
with million tracks on JOOX waiting for you on JOOX music
karaoke page. So, when I need appl ication.
something to relax me, music is
the best choice and when I need
something to fulfill my mood,
JOOX music application in my