Page 8 - Banquet Planner
P. 8


                                                                                Starch Choices
               C l a s s i c  . . . . .     $  2  7 + +  p p
               Featuring one hot chicken entrée choice                         Scalloped Potatoes
               with sauce, garden salad, fresh vegetable                 Red Pepper Scalloped Potatoes
               medley, starch choice and freshly baked                         Wild Rice Medley
               bread                                                Roasted Rosemary & Parmesan Potatoes
                                                                    Creamy Herbed Garlic Mashed Potatoes
                                                                     Roasted Red Pepper Mashed Potatoes
                                                                       Piped Duchess Potatoes... (add $1)
                                                                    Baked Potato with condiments... (add $1)
               T r a d i t i o n a l  . . . . .     $ 3 4 + +  p p
               Featuring one hot beef, pork or fish entrée
               with sauce, garden salad, fresh vegetable
               medley, starch choice and freshly baked                          Sauce Choices
               bread                                                          Lemon Burre Blanc
                                                                            Creamy Parmesan Sauce
                                                                              Tomato Basil Cream
               A m e r i c a n  . . . . .     $ 4  0  + +  p p               Lavender Cream Sauce
               Featuring two hot entrée choices with                          Marsala Mushroom
               sauce, garden salad, fresh vegetable                           Burgundy Mushroom
               medley, starch choice and freshly baked                        Sundried Tomato &
               bread                                                       Caramelized Onion Glaze
                                                                                 Apricot Glaze
                                                                           Mango & Pineapple Salsa

               Protein Choices
               Chicken Breast                                                  Dressing Choices
               Salmon                                                               Italian
               9oz Ribeye Steak                                                      Ranch
               Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin                                       Bleu Cheese
               Stuffed Chicken Breast with Boursin                            Balsamic Vinaigrette
               Cheese & Sundried Tomatoes... (add $1)                        Raspberry Vinaigrette
               Stuffed Pork Tenderloin... (add $1)                    Plated meals come with two pre-set
               Prime Rib... (add $2)                                            dressing choices
               Large Shrimp... (add $2)
               5oz Petite Filet... (add $3)
               Halibut... (add $3)
               Lobster Tail (add market price)                       Add coffee, tea and iced tea station

                                            C u s t o m   M e n u   O p t i o n s   a v a i l a b l e   b y   r e q u e s t
                                 + +   =   2 0 %   s e r v i c e   c h a r g e   &   8 . 5 2 %   s a l e s   t a x .   A l l   p r i c e s   a r e   p e r   p e r s o n
                          M e n u   s e l e c t i o n s   a n d   g u a r a n t e e   g u e s t   n u m b e r s   m u s t   b e   r e c e i v e d   7 2   h o u r s   i n   a d v a n c e
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