Page 11 - The 20 Most Promising CEOs in Business Industry 2019
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Project handlings, Networking Solutions & Client/
Server Applications. StraQuapp Inc., name explains
the meaning that we provide STRATEGICALLY “
The five colours of our logo signifies
STRAQUAPP TECHNOLOGIES. & represent five elements (Panja
Straquapp Vision Boothas) of entire universe, they
are the reality of life & symbol
StraQuapp ensure customer satisfaction by our motto of energy, change, movement &
As we apply this 5 step of sequential flow of work The five colours of our logo signifies & represent
management, we are committed for maintaining the five elements (Panja Boothas) of entire universe, they
excellence of IT Standards & Strategy. StraQuapp are the reality of life & symbol of energy, change,
withhold our own promises to be ingenious, dynamic, movement & development. and they must be a part of
skilled, and energetic for our entire domestic & every aspect of our life. Divine & Nature are integral
International Clients. part of any creation.
We always think & visualize every proposal on long Prithvi: Earth: Sand colour of our logo
term success & trigger the present development & Jal: Water: Dark Blue colour of our logo
modify if any impacts that may appear in future, Vayu: Air: Grey colour of our logo
we are not blindly gather the requirement & start Agni: Fire: Red colour of our logo
development, we take personal care to analyse the Akash: Sky: Cyan colour of our logo
client domain business & go for solution with mutual
Our Logo
StraQuapp Technologies, name explains the meaning Straquapp’s Core Values
that we provide STRATEGICALLY QUALIFIED StraQuapp taken the commitment to heart & promise
APPLICATIONS! That’s “THE STRAQUAPP “! the deviation in actuals of core values will be nothing.
We are very conscious & serious on responsibility
taken & work on same each & every minute to sustain
with our 5 core values.
R C C C I – Our Core Values
• Right Strategy
• Customer Satisfaction
• Creativity
• Consistency
• Integrity
About The Author
Sheeva D Chakk is the Founder & CEO, StraQuapp.
He has 15+ years of IT experiences in software
management for major Financial Systems which
involves Investment Banking, Trading, Forex , Anti
Money laundry - AML , Core Banking, Credit Cards
and Web Online Channels, Health Care & Hotel POS
terminals. Currently he is the Founder & CEO of
StraQuapp Technologies Private Limited & Director