Page 13 - The 20 Most Promising CEOs in Business Industry 2019
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approach from Client Requirement Phase to Post occurrences of same defects that raised & closed in
production phase that includes Testing phase in all earlier iterations. We do the impact analysis of every
levels. functions on regressions.
QA Validations The Quality we expect in our delivery:
StraQuapp SOFDOC (Software Doctor) wing : The 1. 1 defective part per 100 parts
unit of testing & delivery is an internal department & 2. 1 defect per million line of codes
investment by the company Straquapp Technologies
for enrich all products & services to proceed for BUG StraQuapp believes the best understanding of the
FREE delivery. SOFDOC also act as third party testing requirements, Sound knowledge of chosen technology
division & documentations. We provide SOFDOC & ingenious process are keys for DEFECT FREE
certifications for projects before handover for go live. SOFTWARES
We are very strict in certifications by defined checklist Innovative Strategy
for various of types of testing.
All your dreams are our commitments, An Ingenious
Integrations logic of SDLC now at StraQuapp !
We deal on Integration phase combining individually D MINUS 5 DAYS SHIPMENT
tested software components into an integrated whole.
We understand the logics & uniqueness of different StraQuapp always believe in step wise visualization &
systems by different development firms & giving execution based on milestones set at Inception, We are
the solutions by strategical analysis of both the 5 days ahead of timelines.
system & perform the feasibility study to proceed for
integrations. We perform the bi directional ways of test
on each integration to make the behave as expected as
single application layer. “
We understand the logics &
Zero Defect Delivery uniqueness of different systems
Meeting the customer requirements at every stage of by different development
development is core aspect of process. firms & giving the solutions by
ZERO defect means actually not straight to the
meaning of NO DEFECTS, Every single application strategical analysis
runs on defects. ZERO DEFECT we mean here is non