Page 17 - The 20 Most Promising CEOs in Business Industry 2019
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Pande (PHD in Computer Science) Transport and now at Huge Hike for Transport
Founder /CEO - Ajinkya Mahajan (BE in Computer Business, and now he had Also Started for
proving Business Development Programs, and
Science) helping People and Students to start their own
Entrepreneur of India Ajinkya Mahajan Business by the Swaroop Self Help Group (NGO)
Ajinkya Mahajan is 22 years old entrepreneur from which help people to developer their Skills in
Amrawati Technology and Business Startup
His journey began in December 9, 1996 at Nagpur The Biggest Challenge
(Maharashtra). The IT industry very vast and lots of Companies are
This Young Startuprenure was below Average in his already in the Business of IT Software/Website.
studies when he was in school. Getting scolded in Key Lessons
school was everyday’s affair. Once in 7th Grade he
was called by the principal of his School with one 1. Targeting on Customers requirements.
of the Topper Student of his class, and told Ajinkya 2. Effecient Cost Of Products
that “you can’t do anything in your life, and one 3. Digital Marketing
day you will go to this Topper Student for Getting
Job for you”. As For respecting his owner of school, 4. Mouth to Mouth Publicity Strategy
he didn’t spoke any word to them in reply, but in Small City Challenges
mind he had Decided that he have to Achieve such
position in the Life so that he will give Job to that There is good Knowledge in Small City Amravati
Topper Student(Entrepreneur Mind was Born).As But the students there do get any platform to
he was already Interested in Computers, show their work skills they have to go to Pune,
He started learning programming Languages by Hyderabad, Mumbai , Nagpur etc so they started
Company in Small City Amravati to make it
Bunking his School days. Upto 9th Grade has possible to work is Also possible from non Metro
learned nearly 8 programming languages and also Cities also
started leaning Ethical Hacking from Internet. And
in 10th std he was very expert in Hacking. After Dynamic Upgrades
getting passing 10th std, he has taken Admission at We are soon launching Payment Gateway for the
Government Polytechnic Amravati for (Information online transaction and Online Web Developer
Technology) IT stream. service.
In 1st year of Diploma small boy age 16 taken a Moving Towards Growth
2 Day Workshop on Ethical Hacking and Cyber
Security at HVPM college of Engineering. And Best IT Industry current scenario is high technology
he got the Path of becoming (Entrepreneur). in india is digital platform of India. India
And he became famous on Internet, his Video Government also start skill development program
while teaching students of engineering gone for student. NSDA is the platform for IT industry
Viral on Facebook. And then he was invited for person only for grow is car. Bulk sms Service
Conditioning Hacking Workshops. He constantly technology also IT industry is very lowest cost
started taking Workshops for Engineering business and it filed
Students, by this he got failed in His Diploma and Ripping Hardwork
then as he had wasted 1 year According to other
people he learned Business and Entrepreneurship As we got no Funding we faced many problems like
development Course. And then he passed his Exams Office setup and Hiring Experts,
of Diploma. We started it by our Home
Then after getting admitted to P.R.Pote college itself at Initial level then
of Engineering, he started his Software Company as we were getting Good
named Makryto Innovation Pvt.Ltd. In his 2nd income then we bought
year of Course. And Startup Company became the Office for the contact
MNC without any Investors. And due to Conflicts purpose. And then took
in his board of Directors his Company got in Loss one Office at Mumbai on
in 2nd year of Company. And then after getting To rent for the Working and
Final year of Engineering he established his 2nd now we are going very
Company named Makryto Logistics Pvt.Ltd. For well.
│ September 2019 17