Page 21 - The 20 Most Promising CEOs in Business Industry 2019
P. 21

Arun Mathew:

                                                                     “         Map is not the

                                                                               territory” and “Every
                                                                               human is bestowed
                                                                               with potential!”

                                 Arun Mathew                   Quite a Journey
                                 CEO                           Like any start-up, we too had our fair share of
                                                               As the co-founders envisaged an active role in
                                                               nurturing entrepreneurship ecosystem, right in the
                                                               beginning, they consciously decided to build Gyalizo
                                                               KE as a no-investment company to practice such a
        automation fever – and thus is compelled even the
        biggies of the industry to opine on “universal income”   As the business model was not into product
        concept.                                               development, but into service deliverable, initial
                                                               investment never needed any funds; but a lot of hard
        We look this space with a different perspective.       work, man hours and perspiration.
        We believe that though people are attracted to
        monetary compensation, the underlying principle of     So the constriction of working capital did constrain
        that attraction is not money per se; but the options   the scale-up but infused innovation in every link of the
        available on what money can do.                        process – which per se was a challenge that we relish
                                                               on hindsight.
        We believe that human beings are keener to
        participate in activities and earn money, than having a   Acquiring top quality skill development faculties was
        handholding option of universal income without any     a challenge; but as we went through the grind, our
        activity attached.                                     practice of paying high and immediate payout became
                                                               an appreciative buzzword in the industry and has
        So we focus on creating activities for every individual   attracted the training community towards us.
        in tandem with their capabilities, potential and
        aspirations; envisaging that such a trigger will       On large scale training contracts, bringing in
        activate a multiplier effect in the economy, leading   uniformity and standardisation in dissemination
        to unassuming level of job creation and a new kind     was a challenge ; which we tackled by focusing on
        of ecosystem where everyone has a space to involve,    design studio and creating “course capsules”, instead
        participate and flourish.                              of providing the routine “wholesome content” as
                                                               practiced in the industry.

                               │ September 2019                                                                   21
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