Page 23 - The 20 Most Promising CEOs in Business Industry 2019
P. 23

It is this thought that led to Ecolibrium Energy, an   energy consumption. They started out with
          Ahmedabad-based startup that shows the way to         electricity usage, but now they study all forms
          hundreds of industrial firms in India. Ecolibrium     of consumption – steam, electricity, gas. The
          sets up sensors in various parts of an assembly line   data is transmitted to a cloud-based server where
          in a factory and its cloud-based software system      the software analyses and recommends changes.
          analyses the data to find power inefficiencies and    They get in and tell them where they are consuming
          recommends ways to plug them.                         energy, where the leakages are and why and how to
                                                                fix it.
          Last month, Ecolibrium, which was incubated
          at IIM Ahmedabad’s Centre for Innovation,             The company is targeting industrial firms as well
          Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), won the       as commercial companies such as hotels and malls.
          UNFCCC’s Lighthouse Activity Awards under             The service has helped companies reduce between
          Information & Communication Technology.               5 percent and 25 percent of their energy costs,
                                                                according to Chintan.
          The beginning
                                                                SmartSense CREATE
          Chintan and Harit Soni, founders of Ecolibrium
          Energy, had been planning to start up five years      SmartSense CREATE (Collaboration for
          ago and were thinking of biofuels and clean           Reimagining and Activating Tommorrow’s
          energy. They hit upon the idea of setting up a        Enterprises) was formed with the aim of bringing
          Demand Response system that would work in             together leaders and industry experts from different
          power deficit countries.                              fields and sectors, in order to Reimagine the future
                                                                of Industrial IIOT and Predictive Maintenance.
          This is a dynamic system where electricity
          supply is managed between customers, and some         Funding and future plans
          consumers reduce their usage at times when other
          users require to draw more power.                      In 2013, Ecolibrium received angel funding of
                                                                $1.5 million from Infuse Ventures and International
          Ecolibrium Energy started in Ahmedabad in 2010,       Finance Corporation (IFC). Since then, the team
          went into commercial production in 2012, and          has grown to 62 people from 19 and the company
          now has operations in Ludhiana, NCR region,           has gained 500 customers in its three years of
          Indore, Raipur, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru         operations. The company is also looking at raising
          and Mumbai.                                           funds again, he added.

          The product and customers                             The company is looking at new products and at
                                                                international markets in countries like Bangladesh,
          Ecolibrium places its smart sensors at various        Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.
          points of the assembly line to gather data of

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