Page 24 - The 20 Most Promising CEOs in Business Industry 2019
P. 24

Jitendra Sandu:

           He has 30+ yrs of Industry experience and has worked across the globe

           (Middle East, Europe and North America)

                                                                  FIT is on a Mission to
                                                                  identify, cultivate and
                                                                  nurture the inherent
                                                                  “Talent” of every individual
                                                                  and transform it into
                                                                  bona fide strength by
                                                                  imparting related skills
                                                                  and knowledge to the

                                                             Jitendra Sandu

               IT is a Talent Management endeavor with a       it to develop it as a strength which then becomes
               strong foundation and emphasis on psychology    the building block for one’s success in life. We each
        F& technology. It is led by a strategy to              have great TALENTS, and the more we know about
        innovate next generation solutions in the corporate &   them, the more we can understand about what makes
        educational sector.                                    us special and how we can use our TALENTS to do
        Identifying & Transforming Talent for Success          things really well.
        Every person is unique and capable of doing            Hence FIT is on a Mission to identify, cultivate and
        something better than the next 7.5 billion people in his   nurture the inherent “Talent” of every individual
        strength zone. Hence, success depends on discovering   and transform it into bona fide strength by imparting
        the strength zone and making the most of it.           related skills and knowledge to the individual.
        How such TALENTS are inherited, created or             The long term Vision is to Build a “Strengths”
        distributed remains a mystery, but it’s a proven fact   based culture in every individual so that they will be
        that every person is born with some TALENT. The        challenged to “reach out, reach high & reach beyond”.
        challenge is to identify the TALENT and then leverage  The Visionary Leader

        24                                                                        September 2019 │
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