Page 2 - Report Primary morning- October 2018
P. 2

4 TH  October 2018: Recitation Competition
               Grades 1 to 3: Recitation Competition

               A Recitation Competition was organized for the students of Grades 1 to 3. The theme for
               Grade 1 was Rain or Mother, for Grade 2 it was Nature or Seasons and for Grade 3 it was
               Festivals. Contestants who were selected from the preliminary round competed in the final
               round. All the contestants presented their poem related to the given theme very clearly with
               good pronunciation, rhythm and with excellent expressions. Some of them made it more
               presentable and colorful with flash cards, puppets etc. They were judged on the basis of their
               choice  of  the  poem,  pronunciation,  rhythm  and  expression.  The  aim  was  to  infuse  the

               students with appreciation, understanding, love and usage of the English language in their
               daily life.
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