Page 2 - WEEKLY REPORT OF KINDERGARTEN - 14th to 18th APRIL 2019
P. 2


                                         Kindergarten News Letter

                                                KG 2 Weekly news

                                              (14 –18thApril,2019)

                        Children  were encouraged read and write CVC words

                          Independently and to create a rhyming string

                          (The words that rhyme e.g cat,bat,rat,can,pan,fan)
                        Story;Hansel & Gretel .

                          Childen enjoyed activities like ,
                          Story Sequencing using picture flash cards,Leart new

                          Vocabulorywords ,Learnt to predict Key events,
                          Understand the Story setting &Characters

                           NUMERACY(Number& Meassurment)
                         Sequence writing of numbers 0-20 with number values.

                         Find the number that comes ‘after ‘ using the numberline

                         Exploing the concept of tall & short was done by finding friends who

                           are tall/short

                             UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD

                         Introduction to different body parts and its functions

                         Importence of Personal Hygiene through Role Play &
                            Hands on activities.

                         Awarenes about Personal Hygiene was done through a skit

                            by senior students .That was indeed a great experience for the

                            little ones of KG 2
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