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Municipal District Community Fund Scheme 2019
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 4pm on Friday 15th February 2019.
You can use this form to apply for the following schemes:
Capital Fund Scheme, Community Contracts and Amenity Fund Scheme
Please ensure that you are familiar with the guidelines before you begin filling in this form.
Guidelines are available here.…/Community_Fund_Applica-
Fund Summary
1. Capital Fund scheme - for community groups, sporting and local organisations in County
Cork who wish to undertake infrastructural projects costing over €20,000 that will improve
the range or quality of community-based facilities within their area e.g. Community Halls,
sporting facilities, etc.
2. Community Contract - for Tidy Towns groups who work with Cork County Council on local
works and projects, agreed with the local Area Engineer, that enhance the area in which the
group is active. For the Community Contract it is strongly recommended that you contact
your Area Engine
3. Amenity Fund Scheme - for community groups, sporting and local organisations in County
Cork who wish to undertake projects or purchase equipment that directly benefits communi-
ties and meets particular needs. Projects being applied for under this scheme must cost less
than €20,000
Cobh Friday Friendly Cafe
The Cobh Friday Friendly Cafe will be back on Friday January 25th from 11am - 1pm at the
Great Island Community Centre. The pop-up social cafe is for people with Dementia and
their Carers, Friends and Family and takes place on the last Friday of every month.
A welcoming, friendly space with lots of tea and cakes. Free of charge. Part of the Cobh Age
Friendly Town Project and Great Island Community Forum. We ask that people with Demen-
tia are accompanied by a Carer if required.
‘Get Into Walking workshop’ at Cobh Library
Trevor Cummins (Train with Trevor), in conjunction with Cork Sports Partnership, joins us
at Cobh Library to kickstart our New Year’s resolutions with a fantastic ‘Get into Walking’
workshop. This workshop is part of the Healthy Ireland at Your Library national strategy
that aims to help improve the health and wellbeing of the Nation.
Suitable for all levels of fitness, ‘Get Into Walking’ with Trevor will motivate you to get your
runners on and head out the door, while teaching you invaluable techniques to ensure that
you remain injury free on your path to fitness. This event is free and all are welcome to
At Cobh Library – Saturday 19th January at 11:00am.