P. 25

                            FLAGS OF MANY NATIONS
    This year’s Cobh St. Patrick’s Day Parade is scheduled for 1pm on 17th March.  It will be
    travelling the usual route, departing from The Heritage Centre with the viewing platform in
    the town centre.  This year’s theme is Fly the Flag.  The inspiration for this theme came from
    the much loved international flags on display in The Prom throughout the tourism season and
    those volunteers who proudly fly the flag for their organisations in our town.  The purpose of
    this theme is fourfold: to honour volunteer effort in Cobh, to welcome the many nationalities
    that have made Cobh their home, to reflect the many places we get visitors from annually and
    finally to acknowledge the many locations globally the Irish have left for through Cobh.
    Entry to this year’s parade is free and we are encouraging all businesses, community and
    sporting groups on Great Island to take part.  Entry forms can be accessed on www.visitcobh.
    com or are available from any committee member.  This year we are especially interested in
    bands, floats or other creative ideas and obviously lots of flags representing various organisa-
    tions and nationalities.  There will be a number of competitions on the day judging the best
    entry in various categories.  Our top priority is to get as many entries as possible however we
    are also very interested in recruiting new volunteers for the day and committee members to
    drive the parade forward in the coming years.

    Ken Curtin, one of the 2019 organising committee said “we are very excited about this year’s
    theme and we hope the various community organisations embrace it, we would especially love
    to see those from abroad who have made Cobh their home to take part in the parade with
    their native country’s flag and to give us a taste of their heritage as we as a country celebrate
    ours”.  He further added “although viewer numbers have been up in recent years participation
    by groups and especially businesses has been down. We have therefore set a target of fifty
    entries for 2019. This can only be achieved if people make a concerted effort. There is again
    no entry fee for any entries received by 10th March 2019.  In conclusion he said “as well as
    entries we would love to recruit some new volunteers and committee members, to ensure the
    parade’s continuation into the future”.
    For further details please contact:
    Ken Curtin
    087 6752565 or 021 4815122
               Sirius Suppers Presents: The Silken Same, 15 Feb

    Sirius Arts Centre, Friday 15 February
    Food served from 7.30pm, music at 9pm sharp
    €20 includes meal and music. Tickets available online at or through the
    office / 0214813790

    The Silken Same are Galway duo Mossy Nolan and Colm McGowan. They draw on musical
    influences that are both familiar and exotic to the ear. Their’s is a sound that artfully combines
    the bygone and the new. Songs that on the face of it will seem instantly familiar, but that sup-
    plant the traditional with fresh melodic and conceptual ideas. The Silken Same are releasing
    their debut album in early 2019.
    Sirius Suppers combine an evening of food and music, with evening meal provided by foodies
    Comida, followed by new music from the best of Ireland’s emerging artists. A sociable and af-
    fordable evening offering opportunities to hear new music and try out local fare, at Sirius Arts
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