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Be responsible, select Foil…our We have also
the UK’s most Ethical commitment been working
and Environmentally One of the most common hard on other
packing options,
misconceptions about foiling, is
accredited publisher that it ISN’T recyclable…IT IS! utilising FSC and
Once applied, foil is so incredibly recycled card.
thin, less than 2.5 microns, that
As you will see from the below, we are fully it completely dissipates in the If you would like to find out
committed to ensuring that we are making recycling process. more or see samples please call
positive changes for the environment, and So, as long as the substrate one of the team to arrange an
we still do all the great things we have been used is recyclable (which all our appointment on 01268 413611.
doing for the last 35 years. cards are), you can put it in the
recycle bin.
Obviously, we can only give you a snippet of what we do in
a brochure, and we urge everyone reading this to adjust their We even offer a free recycling
purchasing to ensure that they commit to a higher level of service, not just for our clients,
environmental awareness. that means you can send any
unwanted cards to us and we In 2016, Elle Media Group became a
If you would like to learn more about what we do, please do call will pass to our certified recycling member of SEDEX
me on 01268 413 611.
agents to handle for you. and are SMETA audited.
Elle Media Group and myself are committed to making positive Sedex is a global non-profit membership
changes for our children, our grandchildren and all future organisation making it simpler to do business
generations. Help us achieve our goal. that is good for everyone.
Sedex is home to one of the world’s
James Cuthbert largest collaborative platforms for sharing
Managing Director responsible sourcing data on supply chains, used by more than 47,000 members in over
150 countries.
Being totally environmentally focussed, Tens of thousands of companies use
NEW FOR 2019... we opted to partner with like minded Sedex to manage their performance
companies and suppliers. We only
around labour rights, health & safety, the
purchase foil from a company that environment and business ethics.
following successful trials in 2018 is signed up to the ZeroFoil2Landfill
we are proud to be able to offer… initiative, meaning that any waste Sedex also convene the group of
auditors who oversee SMETA, the globally-
that leaves the manufacturing site will
• BIODEGRADABLE CARD PACKS never end up in UK Landfill. recognised social audit procedure
providing a globally-recognised way to
Biodegradable • BIODEGRADABLE GLITTER Credit: Foilco Limited, supplier of all assess responsible supply chain activities,
our foils. including labour rights, health & safety, the
environment and business ethics.
EMG Range 2019 Text v6.indd 3 05/12/2018 13:14