Page 4 - MUNSYI 2016
P. 4
Alhamdulillah, Firstly congratulations to
the editors of yearbook publishing
“MUNSHI” published by Bachelor Degree in
Information Science (Hons) Library
management students for the Faculty of
Information Management in UiTM KEDAH.
Thank you for giving me the
opportunity to say a few words scrawled in
this yearbook. This “MUNSHI” only focuses in
our faculty and highlight the great
moments that happened in Faculty
Information Management. With this
“MUNSHI” as a platform for others that may
need information about Faculty
Information Management, they will use this
MUNSHI wisely. In this MUNSHI, they will
get the information about Faculty of
Information Management lecturers,
captured good moments, and so on. This DR.ASMADI MOHAMED GHAZALI
MUNSHI, will improve people’s knowledge
about Faculty of Information Management. REKTOR
Last but not least, I hope with UITM CAWANGAN KEDAH
MUNSHI published will expand the grow up
of Faculty of Information Management.
Thank you.