Page 5 - MUNSYI 2016
P. 5
Alhamdulillah, Firstly congratulations to the editors of yearbook publishing
“MUNSHI” published by Bachelor Degree in Information Science (Hons) Library
management students for the Faculty of Information Management in UiTM
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say a few words scrawled in this
yearbook. I’m really proud and feel honored to Faculty Information Manage-
ment students because their success to published “MUNSHI”. All the hardship
are paid because this “MUNSHI” will give a lot of benefit to students especially
Dr. Azree Ahmad for researcher that want to find a lot of information about Faculty Information
Head of Faculty Management.
Faculty of Information Management Last but not least,I hope our graduates are equipped with knowledge and
Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah
skills to take on the challenging demands of managing information in various
forms and in various types of organizations.
Thank you.
Alhamdulillah, Firstly congratulations to the editors of yearbook publishing
“MUNSHI” published by Bachelor Degree in Information Science (Hons) Library
management students for the Faculty of Information Management in UiTM
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say a few words scrawled
in this yearbook. With the growing up of information, it make all the information
valuable and become important for us. This is the main reason why “MUNSHI”
Mahadi Mahmood published because it will capture all great memories for Faculty of Information
Coordinator Management students.
Department of Library Science Last but not least, a big congratulations for part 5 students from
Faculty of Information Management Faculty of Information Management because they success to publish this book.
Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah.
Thank you.