Page 11 - Issue 1_2018_Neat
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Performance for National Specialties, Celeste Platte    Liaison for each supported entry approved by the Board throughout
                                                                the year, in a timely fashion. Currently, we have Club logo decorated
        The St Louis Obedience and Rally trials were held on Friday and   coasters to be awarded to the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, and
        Saturday June 2 and 3, 2017.   The Australian Terrier Club of America   highest-scoring Aussie in Obedience at each supported entry and
        coordinated and ran these shows.  The Obedience Trial ran Friday and   Club logo decorated key chains for Rally. We have located a source
        Saturday morning with a maximum entry equal to four hours of judg-  of these items that are both beautiful and cost appropriate, that are
        ing.  We came close to the allotted four hours of judging both days.  cheap enough to ship and easier for the liaison on site to transport.
        The Rally trials also ran Friday and Saturday on an afternoon sched-  The Treasurer assisted in negotiating a cheaper price for a large
        uled.  The entries for the Rally trials only equaled about two of the four   enough order to last for a few years, depending on the number of
        hours allotted for judging.  Although these trials were under cover on   shows supported. Award of Merit trophies are also the Club logo key
        a matted concrete pad, outside shows historically do not do as well as   chains.
        inside shows.  Another draw off the Rally entries may have been the
        eight trials held the prior two weekends.               There are sufficient Mae Roo Trophies for quite a few years.
        Despite not having the Rally entries I had hoped for; both the Obedi-  Trophies were supplied for Palm Springs, NCTA, Great Western, and
        ence and Rally trials ran smoothly under Judge Virginia (Ginger)   Montgomery Co. in 2016.
                                                                Trophies were mailed using Priority Mail boxes in the appropriate size
        National Specialty 2018                                 box, which is the safest and most economical for this type of pack-
        •   Henderson Kennel Club, Fletcher, NC is offering Obedience only   age. Estimated postage costs are less than $100 which has not been
            on Friday, May 25, 2018 and Obedience and Rally on Saturday,   requested for reimbursement as the costs have been absorbed.
            May 26.
        •   Spartanburg Kennel Club, Fletcher, NC is offering Obedience and   Talkabout Newsletter, Julie Seaton
            Rally on Sunday, May 26.
        •   The Blue Ridge Agility Club is offering Agility Friday, May 25 –   •   Members receiving the Newsletter via email - 152
            Monday, May 28.                                     •   Paying Non-Members receiving the Newsletter via email – 8
                                                                •   Non-Paying New Aussie Owners Program via email – 22
        Kendall Liga and I will be coordinating any ribbons and prizes to be   •   Paying Member Hardcopies - 35
        offered by the Australian Terrier Club of America in support of these   •   Paying Non-Member Hardcopies - 16
        shows.                                                  •   Judges receiving the Newsletter via email - 252
        Public Education, Rita Farmer                           Individual Hardcopies sold – 19
                                                                Total Email FREE Subscriptions: 426
        The Australian Terrier Club of America participated in Meet-The-Breed   Total Email PAID Subscriptions: 8
        events three times in 2017. On February 11, 2017, Alexa Samarotto,   Total Hardcopy PAID Subscriptions: 51
        Karen Ucci, and Pat & Peter Zupan, represented our breed at the Meet-
        and-Compete in New York City held in conjunction with Westminster   The Cover is sold through Issue 4, 2018; Back cover has one issue
        Dog Show.  It is a joint effort by AKC and The Westminster Kennel Club.  reserved for 2018
        On February 25 & 26, 2017, Kreg Hill and Bill Christensen highlighted
        our breed at Meet-The-Breed held with Silver Bay Kennel Club shows   With each printed edition I am ordering 60 copies, the extras are sell-
        at the Del Mar Fairgrounds near San Diego.              ing individually for $7.00 each for member, $9.00 non-member

        In Orlando, Florida, December 15 & 16, 2017, our breed met the public   Ads are on sale and it takes at least 2-3 pages of ads for  the magazine
        at Meet-The-Breed during The AKC National Championship sponsored   to be in color 100%
        by Royal Canin.  Bill Christensen, Kim Floyd, Marilyn Harban, Kreg Hill,
        Dana Kruetzfeldt, Susan Mason, Barb Post, Nancy Tibbett, Christina   I hope that as it has been for the last 5 years, The Talkabout breaks
        Worley, and Pat Zupan as well as myself, manned our booth.  even and remains a viable publication for all that read it.
        Our Booths are decorated with banners, props, volunteers and, of   Expected Expenses for 2017: $3500.00
        course, our beloved Aussies. There is printed material for anyone inter-  Expected Income for 2017:   $3500.00
        ested. Questions are answered and breed characteristics are discussed.
        A new addition to the booth is a picture album of candid unidentified   Webmaster, Kerrie Bryan
        photos of Aussies.                                      Website: The web site was totally updated in 2016. It now runs on
                                                                smart phones, tablets and computers.  A Members’ access page to The
        Without the help of volunteers, it would not be possible for the   Talkabout was added.
        Australian Terrier Cub of America to participate in these Meet-The-
        Breed events. In the future, I would like to have more people willing to   Member Notices: Notices to members were sent on a frequent and
        volunteer since it is a good way to get to know each other, have lots of   timely basis to all members by email.  Mass mailings were sent to
        fun and benefit the ATCA.                               individual members to safeguard members’ privacy.

        2018 Budget Request:  $550 for public Ed and $300 for Postage.  Web usage: On the next page are summaries of the raw statistics for
                                                                the year 2017.  The first table is for the entire year. The second table is
        Trophies, Supported Entry & Mae Roo, Alexa Samarotto    for an average month – in this case December 2017. This table dem-
                                                                onstrates the top ten pages other than the home page and is fairly
        The ATCA Supported Entry Trophy Committee has the responsibility of   typical of other months.
        keeping and sending the ATCA Supported Entry Trophies to the

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