Page 10 - Issue 1_2018_Neat
P. 10

Breed Referral, Rita Farmer                             Judge’s Education, Kerrie Bryan, Jane Tenor (co-chairs),  Sue Bach-
                                                                man, Alexa Samarotto, Carol Sazama and Ida Ellen Weinstock.
        For each of the last 12 months, Breed Referral has collected informa-
        tion from members regarding Aussies available for placement.  Each
        month any member wishing to have their puppies/adults placed on   •   ATCA Mentoring:  At the ATCA National held in St Louis, Missouri
        the listed is asked to respond with the color, sex and whether the   in June 2017, a number of judges were mentored. A list of those
        available Aussie is an adult or a puppy.  The list is compiled and sent to   judges was listed in The Talkabout.
        the webmaster, Kerrie Bryan, who then posts the information on the   •   Mentors’ Corner:  The mentors’ corner was held in St. Louis in
        website.                                                   conjunction with the National Specialty.
                                                                •   JEC would like to thank all the ATCA members who provided
        “If you do not see your state listed, you may call any of these breeders   handling and dogs for mentor’s corner, and for the judges taking
        for information on Aussies and help in finding a breeder.” was added to   part in ringside mentoring.
        the breed referral page in 2017.                        •   Videographer:  AKC is planning to make videos of Breeds and a
                                                                   request has been made to have this done at the ATCA Specialty in
        There are currently 29 members of the Breeder Listing.  Periodically,   June 2018
        Breed Referral checks the AKC Marketplace to be sure that everyone   •   Updated Program for aspiring mentors:  An updated program was
        claiming to be a member of ATCA really is.                 designed by the JEC and has been posted on the Judges’ Educa-
                                                                   tion page of the ATCA website.
        Calendar, Grace Massey                                  •   Updated Mentor Agreement:  The Mentor Agreement was up-
        242 calendars were sold for a total profit of $2617.34. The first printing   •   ATCA Statement on Non-Standard Colors in the Australian Terrier:
        of 200 calendars was sold out by Dec 22, 2017 and a second printing   The Committee wrote and submitted this statement to the ATCA
        was advertised to close on Jan 15, 2018. On that date 45 calendars   Board. The statement was passed by the Board and has been sent
        were printed. 42 were shipped soon thereafter. The final 3 calendars   to AKC to disseminate to judges. The statement is available on the
        are being held in case any calendars are delivered damaged or lost in   Judges’ Education page of the ATCA website.
        shipment.                                               •   Judges’ Education Sanctioned Seminar and Workshop:  The next
                                                                   seminar and workshop will be presented at the National Specialty
        Of the 145 calendar orders received, 9 were shipped to Canada, 5 to   in Ashville, NC.
        Australia and 1 to the United Kingdom. This is the highest number
        of calendars sold as well as the highest number of foreign orders for   Legislative Liaison, Kerrie Bryan
        calendars since I have been working as chairman of the calendar.
                                                                The Legislative Committee has the mission of informing members of
        Health, Teresa Schreeder, Bill Christensen, Pamela Levy, Jeanne Popo-  current legislation that may affect dog owners and advise them of ac-
        vits, Thalia Rott, Susan Saulvester                     tion that may be taken.

        2017 completed projects:                                1.   The Legislative Button on the ATCA web site under MEMBERS is a
        •   Hemangiosarcoma fund raiser for study                  direct link  to the AKC Taking Command Bulletins and Alerts
        •   Support by the AusTTrust and ATCA for Tick Born Initiative   2.   Copies of TAKING COMMAND are sent monthly to ATCA members
            matched by AKC for $5000 total                         via email.
        •   Full health testing for CHIC in conjunction with Specialty in St.   3.   Specific alerts are sent to members.
            Louis                                               4.   The Legislative Liaison coordinates any response to Legislation by
        •   Attend K9 health conference                            the ATCA Board.

        2017 ongoing projects:
        •   Newsletter articles (Saulvester)                    National Specialty, Kreg Hill
        •   Longevity and health incident report for the Talkabout
        •   CHIC support by members for new dogs and retest for lapsed   •   May 26, 2018, National Specialty in Asheville NC, Connie Clark will
            dogs                                                   be the Specialty Judge and has been hired by the Cluster.  There
        •   Work with AusTTrust for support of projects and research that   will not be judge’s expense to ATCA.  She was #1 on the list.
            educates members and the public                     •   May 31, 2019, National Specialty in Longmont CO, Bruce Schwartz
                                                                   will be the Specialty Judge and has been hired by the Cluster.
        2018 Goals:                                                There will not be judge’s expense to ATCA.  He was #1 on the list.
        •   Update the grooming CD for supporting health funds through   •   June 13, 2020, National Specialty in Grayslake IL, Richard Powell
            the AusTTrust                                          has agreed to be our Specialty Judge.  We are working with the
        •   Clarify with the assist of Dr. Bell the need to adjust CHIC to in-  Great Lakes Terrier Association and the cluster to also hire him.
            clude optional Degenerative Myelopathy testing         He was #1 on the list.
        •   Look into a small scholarship for vet students ($500-1000) that   •   The 2021 National Specialty will be held in Sacramento CA in
            can be set up annually                                 conjunction the Northern California Terrier Association.
                                                                •   For 2022, we have contacted Pat Zupan as to the possibility to
        Overall Health was very busy and successful this year with fundrais-  have the National at Trenton, NJ.
        ing for the Hemangiosarcoma study, support of the health testing
        available to members and solidifying the support of the AusTTrust for   The committee has also been working on updating the guidelines.
        research and member education.
                                                                Under the guidance of Kendall Liga, we are developing a boiler plate
                                                                Premium List to be used by the current and future National Specialty
                                                                Chair and to be incorporated into the Specialty Guidelines.

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