Page 5 - Issue 1_2018_Neat
P. 5

Message from the President

                                          William I. Christensen, MD, MPH

                        Much of the work of your officers and board dur-  Additional support for our Juniors was expressed in approval at the St.
                        ing 2017 was devoted to up-dating and improv-  Louis National Specialty board meeting with the formation of a Junior
                        ing internal processes.   Although this might   Scholarship Committee, under the chairmanship of Grace Massey.  A
                        seem mundane, effective governance requires an   $200 scholarship is available to any junior who will be attending an
                        organized and accessible framework of operating  institution of higher learning.  Two of these awards were made in 2017.
                        documents and rules.   To this end there has been  I would like to thank all the ATCA officers and board members for their
                        continuing work on revising our bylaws.   The   hard work during 2017.  I would especially like to thank those retiring
                        initial impetus was the desire expressed by the   board members, Sue Bachman, Sue Gersin, and Teresa Schreeder for
        membership and board at the 2016 National Specialty in Long Beach   their contributions during their service on the board.
        to simplify the process by which someone interested in Australian Ter-
        riers might become a member of the club and participants in the AKC   It is important to recognize that much, if not most, of the work of the
        Juniors Program might be especially encouraged to join.   Revisions to   ATCA is done by the committees.  Past President Alexa Samarotto
        the bylaws requires the active participation of AKC according to their   frequently asked for members to step forward and volunteer to work
        process.   Also required is review by an attorney licensed in the club’s   on a committee.   I would ask the same.   As with any organization, it is
        state of incorporation, in our case, New Jersey, to insure compliance   only by involvement in the work of the organization that one achieves
        with applicable state corporate law.   Much of this work has been   satisfaction and the enjoyment of working with other members on a
        accomplished due primarily to the efforts of our Vice President, Grace   common purpose.   Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any board
        Massey, and Recording Secretary, Sherrill Yates, but when we were   member or any committee chairman if you would like to contribute to
        ready to submit the final product to AKC for approval, we discovered   the welfare and appreciation of your Australian Terriers by becoming
        that there was a conflict between the AKC “template” for parent clubs   involved in the work of the club.
        and the AKC procedures for revising club bylaws and breed standards.
        Resolution required the eventual involvement of AKC President Den-  We have a great National Specialty to look forward to in late May.   If
        nis Sprung, who convened a committee to resolve the inconsistency   you have never visited the Biltmore, plan to do so.   The house is spec-
        in AKC documents.   This was accomplished two weeks ago, and your   tacular, but the gardens are as well.   There is a heritage rose garden as
        board will reconcile our document with the revised AKC requirements   well as an international test garden for roses.   The AKC will be video-
        and resubmit for final approval.   Once approved, bylaws will be sub-  taping the specialty in preparation for an on-line educational course for
        ject to a vote for approval by the ATCA membership.    judge who wish to become approved for Australian Terriers.   Dr. Jerry
                                                               Bell will be the Education Day speaker and will present an excellent
        Complex as revising the bylaws has turned out to be, it has involved   comprehensive survey of canine genetics, especially as it applies to
        less work than up-dating and sorting-out the standing rules for the   our breed.  The specialty packet has been sent out by Kerrie and is also
        current pertinence of each.   “Standing rules” include previous board   available on the website.  Sign-up and look forward to it!
        decisions as well as updating procedures adopted for a particular
        purpose.   Unlike bylaws, standing rules can be changed, eliminated,
        or carried forward as a precedent by a board vote.   Both Grace and
        Sherrill again did an extraordinary amount of work in identifying all
        previous standing rules, reviewing for current pertinence, and organiz-
        ing for the board in such a way that a decision to continue each one
        as “active” or archive for future historical reference could be made by
        the board.   This was done at the 2017 St. Louis National.   Webmaster
        Kerrie Bryan has posted these on the members’ section of the ATCA
        Another arduous task has been continuing the digitalization of the
        ATCA archives and work with AKC archivist Brynn White to arrange
        transfer of some of the bulk of this material to the AKC.  I would like
        to thank the Archives Committee, Darlene Evans, Sue Bachman and
        Carol Sazama, for their hard work   The Committee is currently sorting
        through physical mementos to see what should be retained and what
        might be offered to the members for purchase,
        Part of the impetus for revising the bylaws to encourage member-
        ship was to promote the Australian Terrier as a breed which more pet
        buyers might wish to consider.   At the suggestion of board member
        Julie Seaton, a Breed Marketing committee has been created under
        the chairmanship of Heather Williams.  You may have seen some of the
        short entertaining and engaging videos which they have created and
        posted on Facebook and other social media.

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