Page 4 - Issue 1_2018_Neat
P. 4

What’s Inside
                     OFFICERS                    FRONT COVER PHOTO BY: Cathy Dahlberg
          President - William Christensen - CA    INSIDE FRONT COVER PHOTO BY: Alison Doucette
             Vice-Pres. -  Grace Massey - VA     BACK COVER PHOTO BY: Dog Dart & Sunshine Photo
              Rec. Sec. - Sherrill Yates  - OK   INSIDE BACK COVER PHOTO BY: Amber Bechtholdt
               Cor. Sec. - Julie Seaton -  WI    President’s Message .......... 5
             Treasurer - Darlene Evans - CA      Corresponding & Recording Secretary’s Report .......... 6
                                                 Health Updates ......... 13
              BOARD OF DIRECTORS                 AKC Communications .......... 14

                      2017-2018                  Austtrust ..........15
                   Kerrie Bryan - CO             Delegate Report .......... 16
                 Tamara Gaudet - NM              The Importance of your AKC Delegate .......... 18
                   Celeste Platte - FL           Cover Story ........... 19
                 Alexa Samaratto - NY            Award Reminders .......... 20
                                                 Health Scoop .......... 21
                                                 ATCA Announcement .......... 22
                      2018-2019                  AKC National Championship Results .......... 24
                    Rita Farmer - TN             Pawsitive Tips.......... 27
                   Kendall Liga - NC             The Gazette .......... 28
                 Jeanne Popovits - AZ            The Standard Broken Down ......... 30
                    Pat Zupan - NJ               Healthy Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe .......... 32
                                                 Proud to be Purebred .......... 33
                  AKC DELEGATE                   Blast From The Past .......... 34
                  William Christensen            Breed Accomplishments in 2017 .......... 37
                                                 Westminster Triva .......... 43
                                                 Westminster Results .......... 44
                   ATCA WEBSITE                  BRAGS  .......... 49
              Top Dogs .......... 51
                                                 New Titles .......... 52
              ATCA RESCUE WEBSITE                Top Sires & Top Dams 2017 .......... 53

              The Talkabout is published
                   4 times per year.

           Deadlines for Articles

                    Issue 1 - Feb 1
                    Issue 2 - May 1
                    Issue 3 - Aug 1
                    Issue 4 - Nov 1

                TALKABOUT STAFF
                   Julie Seaton - Editor
           Susan Saulvester - Associate Editor             The Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc. publication The Talkabout
                                                            is authorized to carry official notices, reports and commentary
            Heather Williams - Associate Editor   issued under the auspices of the ATCA, Inc., otherwise no responsibility is assumed for the
                      content and/or statements contained herein. The editor reserves the right of discretionary
                                                     editing. Unofficial material published in this newsletter does not thereby carry the
                                                      endorsement or approval or become the responsibility of the editor or the club.

                                                  This publication and its contents are the property of the Australian Terrier Club of America,
                                                         Inc., and no part of it may be reproduced without the written permission
                                                                  of the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc.
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