Page 130 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 130


                         Digital Design | Semester 5 | Taylor Lakeside University

                         Digital  Imaging  is  a  project  where  the
                         use  of  digital  technology  and  tools  in
                         design prac�ce, with par�cular empha-
                         sis  on  the  manipula�on  and  design  of
                         images  and  digital  illustra�on.  Adobe
                         Illustrator  and  Photoshop  will  be  the
                         main so�ware used as design tools. The
                         project require an A3 poster board that
                         contain quality piece of work that must
                         include ar�s�c content, quality concept
                         and  good  technical/produc�on  tech-
                         nique. The theme can be either for Art
                         and  Culture,  Fashion  and  Lifestyle  or
                         THEME - Entertainment

                         Waking up in the hospital, Scarlet real-
                         ised  that  she  lost  some  of  memories.
                         Before she even had a chance to under-
                         stand what`s going on, a "Doctor“ tried
                         to  kill  her,  targeted  by  Assassins,  and
                         chased by Secret Government Agencies.
                         Now she`s out on the run figuring out
                         why they wanted her dead so badly.

                          Primary Concept  (Blue - to show that
                         she`s alone,  Red - to show that she`s
                         brave,  Yellow - to show tense)
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