Page 126 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 126
24 Built Environment VS Natural Environment
Case Study | Poster Board | Semester 6 | Taylor Lakeside University
In the last few years, the
impact of construc�on on the
environment has been
increasingly recognized and
has become a key challenge
for the sector. Construc�on
sites ac�vi�es in urban areas
may have caused permanent
damage to the environment.
As environmentally ethical
individuals, we must be aware
of the cause and constantly
find solu�ons to overcome
these problems. This project
required a closely inves�gate
different environmental
aspects, and how they have
125 become a vic�m of industrial-
iza�on/globaliza�on. For this
project, I focus on the Urban
Heat Island and conducted an
in depth inves�ga�on of its
rela�onship with the built
environment, as well as give
some sugges�on on how to
overcome this issue.
The project aim is to under-
stand the concepts of biologi-
cal diversity, ecological com-
plexity, energy budge�ng,
sustainability and ecological
design and report in depth on
a given research topic.