Page 124 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 124
23 Architectural Milestones
Case Study | Poster Board | Semester 5 | Taylor Lakeside University
This project ask to s�mulate
the apprecia�on of architec-
tural form by selec�ng a build-
ing of significant influence on
today's architecture and to
conduct a comprehensive
research on the selected
building, provide sufficient
drawings (plan, sec�on, eleva-
�on, etc), construc�on meth-
ods, materials used, idea &
theory, func�on of spaces as
well as other relevant infor-
ma�on that gives a clear
The Objec�ves -
123 To provide knowledge and
understanding on the inter-re-
la�onship between Architec-
ture and Technology, within
the context of Architectural
To introduce the different
approaches to design by
examining architects’ theories
and works.
To provide a verbal and visual
vocabulary of architectural
elements and terminology; to
s�mulate the apprecia�on of
architectural form.
To explore the many factors
and issues that interact to
produce built form at par�cu-
lar �mes in par�cular places.