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P. 28

04  Waverley Woollen Mills

                         Studio | Degree | Year 3 | Semester 5 | UTAS University

                         A heritage building site that needs to be       The new build, both its exterior and
                         redesign to maintain its significant. The        interior, is to reinforce the histories
                         site  is  located  at  45  Waverley  Road,      of  the  site,  and  the  companies’
                         Launceston  TAS  7250.  Redesigning  the        product  story:  “Waverley  Mills  is

      027                heritage building has taken into consid-        luxury,  quality,  sustainability.  As
                         era�on the principles of the Burra Char-        Australia’s  oldest  working  tex�le
                         ter and the opera�onal requirements of          mill  (established  in  1874),  we
                         the  mill  to  allow  the  current  use  to     produce  designer  wool  products
                         remain. The new build is to accommo-            that are guaranteed to last, beau�-
                         date a two-storey volume, as appropri-          fully and carefully cra�ed, and ethi-
                         ate for the user.                               cally produced.”
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