Page 32 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 32
05 LauncesTown Shop Houses
Studio | Degree | Year 2 | Semester 4 | UTAS University
This project required us to inves�gate We were required to design an
inner-city, mixed-use of buildings and imagina�ve client and our
interiors. It will focus on an exis�ng design must fulfill their needs.
housing typology within the fabric of I have designed a three -
Launceston — the a�ached town- storey shophouse for the
house — and a typology commonly family of five with in Launces-
found in east and southeast Asia — ton Terrace Townhouse.
the shophouse. In addi�on to interior Where the ground level is
and architectural theory, it will draw catered for business needs and
on linguis�c theories, in par�cular the two above floors as resi-
defamiliariza�on, and address an den�al. the design of the
031 overall research ques�on. The building also incorporates con-
program will first establish the con- cepts from climatologi-
ven�ons and deep structure of the cal/building-behavior experi-
type, and then produce itera�ons ments as well as designing for
that respond to a variety of spa�al mul�-purpose shophouse for
modifica�ons, programma�c rela- compact space.
�ons, construc�on logics, and affec-
�ve and aesthe�c objec�ves. The
project also has a strong focus on
sec�onal studies and model-making.
It helps us develop the abili�es to
engage with the history of architec-
ture; to process and communicate
complex informa�on; to conduct a
design research inquiry; and to
engage in a rigorous design process.