Page 71 - 2024 JCH Student Handbook
P. 71

Sexual Violence is

                                                                           handle               if a friend
               never okay.                                               with care           discloses to you

                                                                                               being a good
                                                                               to/ about
           You are not alone. It is not                               Listen   their needs    friend during a
          your fault. Help is available:                              inquire  & concerns      disclosure is
                                                                                                not about
         there are no wrong doors for who you can speak to about      Enhance safety          unboxing their
          what happened. They could be inside the college (A friend,  support                  emotions or
           tutor, senior staff), through the uni (Safer community,                             deciding for
            counselling) or external (gp, police, casa and other      thank them for trusting  yourself what
         supports). there is also no right or wrong time to disclose.  you and sharing. Ask
                                                                       what they want to do   they should do

                 what might happen if                    what might happen if i talk to the College?
                I talk to police (SOCIT)?                You might gravitate towards a Resident Tutor  with whom you

                Your needs, safety & agency will be      have a good rapport. Tutors know the College context and your
              prioritised. You'll be offered counselling  peers, and can keep what you share private unless you or
              (CASA) and to undergo a forensic medical
               exam (if within 72 hours of the sexual    others are in danger or U18, in which case they will let you
               assault) even if you aren't sure about    know if they need to tell the Deputy Principal. Tutors are trained
              proceeding with a criminal investigation.  in Mental Health First Aid and as First Responders to disclosures
              You may choose to make a statement (to     of sexual assault. They'll listen with care & support you with the
                use as evidence to help charge the       next steps you decide on. See reverse for SAFE Contact tutors.
              person who assaulted you). You may give
              information without making a statement.    The Deputy Principal is in charge of the College's Pastoral Care
                You can choose to be contacted if
               someone else reports the perpetrator      Program, and can connect you to Unimelb's Safer Community
                later on. You can decide to report       Program which supports students who have been sexually
                    weeks, months, or even               assaulted. As well as counselling and special consideration, this
                         years later.                    may include a formal investigation which could lead to the
                                                         person(s) involved switching tutorials, departing College, and if
                                                         you wish, being criminally charged. The SAFE Coordinator
                                                         (Dean of Studies) can help in similar ways, connecting you with
                                                         internal and external supports. You can also direct formal
                                                         complaints about criminal misconduct in the College to the
                                                         Principal who may then engage an external body to investigate
                   A trusted GP/Family Doctor?
                GP's can help in several ways if you     as appropriate. Please note that the College:
                 have been sexually assaulted. This
               includes emergency contraception and       1. Will balance the need for the reporter to have agency with
               STI testing (within 72 hours). Some GPs      community wellbeing.
                can conduct forensic assessments (if      2. Cannot investigate: hearsay, rumour, innuendo and will require a
               you wish to report the assault), or they     formal complaint and investigation to determine a course of action.
                    can refer you to someone              3. May require a student or students to depart residence while a formal
                          who can.                          investigation is undertaken (ongoing pastoral support is provided).
                                                          4. Will contact the Police if there is perceived immediate or ongoing risk
                                                            to the safety of any person.

       1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 |         Need an action plan?
       Lifeline 13 11 14
       Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292
       QLife (LGBTIQA+ Friendly) 1800 184 627                       Want some clarity?
       InTouch Multicultural Centre 1800 755 988
       Safer Community Program (Unimelb) 61 3 9035 8675
       Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) 9635 3600      created in collab w.                   whether you are
       Police (Melbourne SOCIT): (03) 8690 4056              Victim/Survivors                    worried about what
       Safe Steps Family Violence Response 1800 015 188            +                              happened to you, a
       Unimelb Counselling & Psychological Services 9035 5180  completely                        friend or something
       JCH Duty Tutor 0408 519 075                             anonymous                         you did, MySafety is
       An Internal or External SAFE Contact see reverse side                                     tailored for use by
       Has this content been difficult or upsetting to read?                                        JCH students
       Search 'grounding exercises'. These are great for self care.
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