Page 70 - 2024 JCH Student Handbook
P. 70
how to college oh hi there...
by jch ft. students
Welcome to Janet Clarke Hall, a home and
1. Treat others with community cherished by many. We hope your memories
respect + care
2. Ask for consent + here will be full of friendship, laughter, fun and
only act with consent growth. Respectful relationships are key to this.
3. Call out + report
inappropriate behaviour If you see or experience a relationship or behaviour
4. Comply with College that isn't respectful, know that there are tutors,
policies (see below) Senior Staff and external supports to talk to about
5. Act as leaders, model
good behaviour what's going on. You are not alone.
6. Act responsibly online +
on social media
Recipe for Respectful
Mutual trust and RESPEct
Support and open communication
Commitment and honesty
Freedom to make your own decisions
serves 2+
Intimacy optional
(including Feelings
are no longer pain, fear Being in a relationship with
respectful when or harm someone who hurts you physically,
there is... emotionally or sexually can be
Unsupportive / extremely confusing. If something
disrespectful doesn't feel right, it's probably a
behaviour good idea to talk to someone.
controlling Guilt numb
behaviour UNSURE ANGER
shame ANXious ISOLATED confused
betrayed WORTHLESS
Safe contact persons:
What's the go with SAFE POlicies? Amy Bongetti when/how do i use them?
Adam Nelson
These College policies stand for: Sexual Aidan Carter You can read through them to understand
misconduct prevention, Advice & advocacy, Jack Tan your rights and obligations as a JCH
Fair treatment, Equality and equity. Josh McLeod student. You can also chat to a SAFE
Bek Markey-Towler contact person or external advisor to talk
All people have a right to live, work, study about what 's going on and decide if you
and socialise in an environment that is free safe coordinator: want to make a formal complaint as
from Sexual Misconduct and Prohibited Briana Ellis (9349 7122) outlined by either/both policies
Conduct regardless of their sex, sexual (e.g. to the Principal or to the Police).
orientation, gender identity, immigration
status and citizenship status. external advisors: You can view all current JCH policies,
UMSU Sexual Harm Response Coordinators including SAFE policies here:
Sexual Harm Policy & Procedure
Discrimination, Bullying & Worklogic / Independent Mediators
Victimisation Policy scan QR code for contact details