Page 65 - 2024 JCH Student Handbook
P. 65
Terms and Conditions of Residence
General Conditions of Residence
● All students will pay fees in accordance with the fee schedule
● All students are required to provide details of a financial guarantor who assumes responsibility for any outstanding residence
fees in the event that the student is unable to pay
● Students who leave the College in variation to the fee schedule (i.e. before the end of the academic year) will incur full
payment of fees and forfeit their bond and deposit
● The College can withdraw an offer prior to commencement
● All fees must be finalised by the due date
● At the conclusion of a student’s period of residence, additional fees will be charged until keys are handed in to an
appropriate College staff member.
● All students will undertake up to two hours of Student Work Scheme duties during each week of the teaching semester
● Students are responsible for maintaining the condition of their room
● All students will maintain the security of the College. Trespassers on College premises or lost keys or fobs must be reported
immediately to the Office or Duty Tutor. When room keys and/or fobs are lost, students will meet the cost of a replacement.
● All guests and visitors who enter the College must be accompanied by a member of the Janet Clarke Hall community and be
registered via the V-Pass portal in the front foyer
● Students will provide the College with the dates for final assessment in each semester, departing from College within 48 hours
(Domestic students) and 72 hours (International students) of the completion date of their final examination or other
assessment at the end of second semester unless approval has been given by the Deputy Principal to remain in residence
after this time. Charges will apply after the above time limits.
● All students must participate in fire prevention and emergency evacuation procedures outlined in the Student Handbook and
College Fire and Emergency Safety Manual.
● All students must obtain Victorian Ambulance Membership or have comprehensive Ambulance cover as part of their private
health insurance.
● Students are advised that the insurance of their possessions is their responsibility and that Janet Clarke Hall is not liable in any
way for the loss or damage of their possessions
● The Student Club will be levied, on a per capita basis, for cutlery and crockery damaged or stolen throughout the year
● Students are expected, as a condition of residence, to be undertaking full-time study in their course. Full-time study is defined
as undertaking four subjects per semester equivalent to a 50-point load. Any request for variation in this course load must be
discussed with, and agreed to in advance by the Dean of Studies and approved by the Principal. In the event of
unsatisfactory academic performance, (where satisfactory performance is regarded as the successful completion of all
subjects attempted within a full-time student load as defined above), students may not be readmitted into residence in the
following year, unless it is agreed to by the College that compelling medical or other reasons have affected their study
regime. Such determination remains the sole right of the College
● Students acknowledge the Principal’s or Principal's delegate has the right to ask them to depart College if they are of the
view that the College is unable to provide a suitable environment for their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. Such a
request would be made after a process of consultation and with regard to the pastoral care of the student, but also with
regard to the safety and wellbeing of other students and staff
● The College may provide a full or pro rata refund of residence fees and/or deposits at the discretion of the Principal
● Student scholarships and bursaries are offered for the full academic year, unless explicitly agreed to in writing by the Principal.
If a student departs the College outside the terms of the fee schedule (i.e. before the end of the academic year), the
scholarship or bursary may be removed by the College. Scholarships and bursaries are held on the basis of satisfactory
academic performance and good conduct, and may be revoked upon failure to meet these expectations.
Janet Clarke Hall Student Handbook 2024