Page 14 - Luce 2016
P. 14

J unior  C o mmon  Ro om

                                                                             Pocahontas leads the O-Week Dance

          From the                         by without a slew of events – some   the job done, regardless of whether

          Student Club                     considered routine (think High-Table),   one or more members were drowning
                                           others a little more special. The College
                                                                             in assignments or had been called in
          President                        play 12 Angry Men and the Royal Variety  to cover multiple shifts at work. They
                                                                             understood that sustainability and a
                                           Show demonstrated the exceptional
                                           creative talent housed within the walls   wholesome approach to tasks, and life in
          For Janet Clarke Hall, 2016 truly started   of JCH. This was only confirmed by   general, is far more attractive than striving
          with ‘Over the Rainbow’ Week. The   Wintersong, held for the third year   for absolute perfection. I don’t say this
          dedicated crew of leaders, unashamedly   running in conjunction with Medley   solely out of gratitude to these seven
          adorned in vibrant and wacky fairy-  College and displaying a wonderful array  champions, but because these traits were
          tale costumes, welcomed and initiated   of artistic works both by students and   widespread at JCH. Successfully passing
          a new cohort of about 50 students   staff. An Enchanted Evening was had by   twenty-four amendments to the Student
          into the quirks of living and studying   all at Ascot House on 20 May. The Ball   Club Constitution last year is evidence of
          at JCH. By the time the princess skirts,   Committee worked tirelessly to ensure   the way in which JCHers deeply (though
          wigs, grandma nighties, puppy onesies   that fashionably clad JCHers (past and   perhaps not always consciously) care for
          and itchy beards (both real and fake)   present) enjoyed an evening of fine food,  the community in which they live.
          had been shed, we were a weary yet   dance and conversation amidst glorious
          satisfied group. Despite a spatter of   gardens and décor. A week later the   Of all residential colleges at the
          trying moments throughout the week,   Men’s Eight (rowing) demonstrated the   University of Melbourne, JCH saw
          it was conceded that it had – overall  –   extent of their grit and determination,   the largest proportion of students
          been a jolly good time. For me, this   placing fifth in the B division – what   attend screenings of The Hunting
          reflects a year – or three – at JCH.   we believe may be a record for JCH!   Ground early in the year. This
          There has been many a costume to be   Having experienced the Intercollegiate   consequently ignited conversation
          worn; many a fresher dance to be, well   Rowing Regatta both on and off water,   around respectful relationships within
          danced; many friendships to be made;   it remains a personal favourite among   college environments. I feel privileged
          and many a lively conversation to be   the events held throughout the year. The
          had. A residential year is not without its   camaraderie on the banks of the Yarra
          ups and downs: complaints about food   was palpable and sitting amongst, or
          (I’ve come to the conclusion that humans  rowing past, the vibrant blue, red and
          always need something to complain   gold hues of JCH brought floods of ‘warm
          about), corridor antics and those damn   fuzzies’ to the surface.
          headaches from bashing one’s skull
          against the desk in hope that it might   The Student Club executive of 2016
          liberate the correct answer or elusive   dreamt big. Will, Shaan, Ruby, Olympia,
          phrase. Just to name a few.      Kelsey, Oliver and Tom were passionate,
                                           positive, determined, perceptive and
          Indeed, it’s incredible that we had the   flexible. They adapted to situations that
          time to do any of that, given the jam-  arose miraculously out of thin air. Their
                                                                                               Shani Brampton
          packed calendar. Not a week went   strength as a team was evident in seeing      Down at the river bank
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