Page 15 - Luce 2016
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J unior  C o mmon  Ro om

            O-Week                            Quidditch                         College Ball
            to have witnessed the introduction of   Nina, that career pathways are complex   begin to take for granted – like being
            the documentary – and the ideas it   and unique and that one must not be   surrounded by a community of genuine,
            propounds – to the college crescent.   afraid to pursue the unusual or the   kind, inspirational people. People from
            Dr Powell must be commended for his   ostensibly ‘unobtainable’. JCH fosters an   both the SCR and the JCR – for at JCH
            pivotal involvement in every aspect of   acceptance of ‘the unique’, and it has   the two mingle with ease and the latter
            the process. General David Morrison   been thoroughly refreshing to reside in   draws strength from the former. Here we
            AO’s Leadership Dinner speech was thus  a community that allows one to explore   form scars – what I like to call the ‘good
            entirely fitting. With big shoes to fill after   one’s unique passions, to perhaps even   scars’. These are the memories that cut
            outstanding speeches by Professor Gillian  change tack, and eventually to discover   deep – of the time spent in a stimulating,
            Triggs in 2014 and Elizabeth Broderick in  a way to begin to reach a desired career/  invigorating, enriching environment. Yes,
            2015, General Morrison captivated us for  lifestyle. Here at Janet Clarke Hall we   this place is transient. The people come
            the evening and stimulated much fruitful   are fortunate to be in a community that   and go. But the impressions made on one
            conversation in the following days.   allows us to push our boundaries, to   another are still profound. JCH teaches
                                              explore that which is unknown and also   you to feel, to think outside the box, to
            Andrea Goldsmith’s novel The Memory   that which is perhaps less palatable. I   have your own opinions and, perhaps
            Trap and her Literature Dinner speech   found that throughout the year it was   most importantly, that there is someone
            prompted us to reconsider how we   important to remind oneself of this, and   out there who’s always got your back.
            perceive Melbourne, relationships – both  to be grateful for it.
            romantic and other – and the wider                                  Shani Brampton
            world. Furthermore, Ms Goldsmith   For me, JCH will be remembered for the   2016 Student Club President
            demonstrated, both through her speech   laughter, the banter, the late nights, the   May Dunn Scholar
            and through the novel’s main character   ridiculous, the everyday. The things you

            Reflections from the College Chapel  (continued on page 17)
            ‘What an incredible               If I reflect upon who I was when I signed  ‘I got to meet new and
            privilege it has been,            my name in that roll, I have to concede   exciting people from
            to earn my degree at              that College has changed me in ways   around the world.
            Janet Clarke Hall.                I did not expect to be changed at all –   I have listened to
                                              and it has not been a passive process.   inspiring leaders and
            As a woman, I                     Rather, I have become excited and eager   world-class experts
            take pride in our                 to learn from the hundred people living   at various College
            history. It’s a place             within the same walls, and to give back   events. I have joined
            of equality and                   in turn all that I might have to offer.    choirs and run choirs,
            empowerment. Traditions upstanding,   When I began, I didn’t know what I   I have swum for the honour of JCH,
            upright and unbent. It is a place where   didn’t know. I didn’t know that it takes   donated my precious lifeblood for the
            customs and change coincide, the old   not only warmth and friendship, but also   Vampire Shield, participated in cultural
            and the new coexist, side by side. It’s a   self-discipline, to be a worthy member   events such as Battle of the Bands and
            place that fosters growth.        of a community. I didn’t know how I   Origins. I have run laps around the
                                              might relate to the wider, adult world,   beautiful city of Melbourne that I love
            Upon departure, however, I think it is   and I didn’t really know that I owed it to   in various scavenger hunts … all around
            important to look back to the beginning   myself to be my best self, or even who   studying for my Bachelor of Science.
            and see the distance travelled. I signed   that best self might be.
            my name in the student roll, with                                   It goes to show that the enriching
            those who would become my friends,   I still don’t definitively know these   lifestyle I have experienced, and that
            and following all those who had been   things, but now I think I have a better   is encouraged at JCH, was not one
            through before. My scrawled signature is   idea.                    solely focused on academic studies,
            in esteemed company in that big book.                               but instead one that aims to achieve
                                              I think I can say that JCH has been   balance. I am constantly inspired by
            Since 1886, we have all arrived at   a home, not only for the mind, as a   the people around me and I am truly
            College with the intention of educating   student at the University of Melbourne,   thankful for being a part of the dynamic
            ourselves, and gaining something from   but for the whole person.’  and meaningful family that is JCH.’
            the company of likeminded people.
            However, our pursuits are not purely   Annabel Livingstone (2014)   Scott Santarossa (2014)
            academic.                         Vera Moore Scholar                Principal’s Scholar

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