Page 28 - Luce 2022
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S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

          University of Melbourne                               Academic Results

          Dean’s Honours                                        The academic results from 2022 were again strong
                                                                with 73% of all grades at honours level and 36%
          In 2022 we were delighted to discover that these JCH students   first class honours (H1). Our students are to be
          (current and former) are on the Dean’s Scholars List for their   congratulated for their dedication to their studies and
          faculties, based on their excellent results in 2021.  balancing that commitment with the opening up of
                                                                opportunities to socialise and play sport at
            Eve Gray (Science)                                  pre-COVID levels.
            Eve also won the Nancy Millis Prize for Microbiology and
            Immunology                                          Students were well supported by resident and non-
                                                                resident tutors, who often go above and beyond in
            Emily Mannix (Monash University Pharmacy)           offering consultations in addition to group teaching.
                                                                Briana Ellis, Dean of Studies, ensured the smooth
            William Thomas (Commerce)                           running of the tutorial program which, in most cases,
                                                                was delivered in person but sometimes incorporated
            Amy Wortmann (Arts)                                 online options to cater for students in isolation.

            Rose Gertsakis (Arts)
            Kalani Knight (Biomedicine)                             2022 STUDENT RESULTS

            Annabelle Love (Arts)                                              N

          Rose Gertsakis and Amy Wortmann (pictured below)         P          5.6%
          received Dean’s List Arts Honours as 2nd year students,   12.5%                            H1
          ranked in the top 3% of their course and year level.                                      36.3%


                                                                2022 Arts Alumni Awards

                                                                Faculty of Arts alumni
                                                                form a community
                                                                of over 80,000
                                                                worldwide. Presented
                                                                annually, the Arts
                                                                Alumni Awards
                                                                honour the valuable
                                                                contributions alumni
                                                                have made all over the
                                                                world across a range
                                                                of fields, including
                                                                the not-for-profit
                                                                sector, government,
                                                                education, business,
                                                                and arts and media.

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