Page 33 - Luce 2022
P. 33

S tudent  Voice

                                Angus Maclaurin (2022)         Currently, I am in contact with and applying to Goldsmiths
                                reflects on the life-changing   (University of London), the University of Cambridge and
                                impact of scholarships.        the University of Manchester. I am in the midst of a thesis
                                                               proposal that aims to create a new definition for a period of
                                I was lucky enough to receive two   21st century music in Britain, with encouraging feedback from
                                scholarships in 2022: the Faculty   prospective institutions and funding opportunities in sight.
                                of Arts 110 Scholarship from the
                                University of Melbourne, and the   I have always considered academic work a dream – a privilege
                                Vera Moore Foundation Scholarship   I could embrace whilst also engaging in ‘real work’. Now, the
                                through Janet Clarke Hall.     path to academia as ‘real work’ is a genuine possibility. Never
                                                               did I expect this, and without these scholarships, never could I
            Having now completed my thesis and being in the process   have achieved this.
            of applying for research degrees overseas, I find myself
            reflecting on what an immense privilege it was to receive   For this year of study, the constant financial burden was
            these scholarships and how both contributed significantly   alleviated and I cannot fully express how very grateful I am for
            to my ability to focus purely on my studies. Without these   that. Without these scholarships, I honestly do not believe I
            scholarships there would have been no scenario in which I   would have the exciting academic opportunities that now lie
            could have applied myself to the extent I did. I was able to   ahead of me.
            experience a year of researching and writing around topics
            I am deeply passionate about. In their generosity, these
            scholarships allowed me to probe my curiosity. What a joy
            it was!

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