Page 39 - Luce 2022
P. 39

A l umni News                                                                  A l umni News

            Institutional Responses to Child Sexual   handled time management. And yet I’d   Everyone else seemed to want me
            Abuse. Julia Gillard championed this   pick myself up, and believe I’d be better   to be happy, and apparently the Law
            while she was Prime Minister and it’s   for the next essay, the next class and the   student version of me was a bit of a wet
            one of the legacies of her leadership.  next social appointment, convinced that   blanket. All this pressure, all these strict
                                              next time everything would go to plan.   guidelines for life didn’t matter anymore.
            If I could offer any advice to readers                              And in the warmth of acceptance of the
            who are starting out, or looking for a   I can’t imagine it will be a surprise, then,   new me, I started to learn who the new
            career change, it would be to build   when I admit that I had a detailed plan   me really was.
            on your transferable skills. You can   for my studies and career, and even less
            become ‘a subject matter expert’ in a   of a surprise when I state that it didn’t   The new me loves the Law, but she
            wide variety of topics. The main thing   exactly go to plan. Starting with a BA,   doesn’t want to be a lawyer. The new
            is to show your capacity to learn and   I figured if I got an H1 average I’d get   me is people focused, not detail-
            this is how I have progressed in my   into the Juris Doctor. Then I’d crush it   oriented. She loves her island home, and
            career.                           as a Law student, get a great clerkship,   wants to work there and give back to
                                              graduate, become a top-shelf criminal   community. And most of all, she accepts
            My contact: charlotte.x.clarkson@  lawyer, solve crime, meet my legal   herself for who she is, instead of who
                   heroes, look cute in the funny wig, and   she is going to become.
                                              ride off into the sunset. Simple, right?
                                                                                So here I am, writing for Luce, 400km
            Eleanor McCormack (2018)          I made it a few months into the JD   away from where I thought I’d be at this
                               Having a       before starting to cry in the library and   point in my life, fighting the stereotypes
                               plan is easy.   falling to pieces as I told a doctor how   about staying regional as a young
                               You have       my mental health had been. I had my   person through participating in the
                               timeframes,    heart set on Law, but I no longer felt like   ABC Heywire ‘Trailblazers’ programme,
                               goals, and     getting out of bed in the morning, and   with my project entitled ‘Locals’. This
                               measures       the idea of graduating and practising   programme challenged the idea that
                               of success.    Law forever made me feel ill. As   young people have to move away
                               Knowing what   privileged as I knew I was to have a   from their regional homes in order to
                               you want,      coveted spot in Melbourne Law School,   ‘make it’. It provided an opportunity for
                               when you want   I knew that I couldn’t keep going. So   anyone aged between 18 to 28 to share
                               it, and how    I requested a leave of absence, and I   with a national audience their positive
            you’re going to get it is something that   moved back home to Ulverstone in an   social change projects carried out in
            can make life a whole lot easier.   attempt to refresh myself.      their regional communities. Since the
                                                                                launch of this early careers programme,
            From a young age, I’ve known that   Alas, the time I spent at home only   I’ve received messages from people
            having a plan is the way to go. Whether   cemented the gut feeling that the plan   all around the country who feel the
            that’s planning how I’ll tackle an essay   developed by a 17-year-old-me may   same, who love their home and have
            or planning how I’ll make a five-hour   not be what I actually wanted at 21.   abandoned big-city plans too.
            journey across Tasmania, I’ve always   How shocking! I joined the corporate
            trusted my instincts and my ability   workforce, and a few months later I had   I’m working for the Office of the
            to plan. Each step refined, timings   withdrawn from the JD completely.   Director of Public Prosecutions as a
            checked in Google Maps, due dates   I began to reckon with the fact I was   witness assistance officer. Every day I
            reviewed four times before I’m satisfied   beginning my career in North-West   get to help vulnerable and traumatised
            I’ve read it correctly. My plans are   Tasmania, a place not generally thought   people navigate the criminal justice
            fantastic, except for the fact I keep   of as a hotspot for early careers. Against   system, and support them while they
            forgetting to consider one key variable   the backdrop of Melbourne University   give evidence about some of their most
            – myself.                         and my original intention of doing an   stressful life experiences. And I get to go
                                              internship in the Melbourne CBD, I   home on the highway, wheels navigating
            At university I found each mental   felt like a failure because I didn’t live   potholed roads as I prepare to see my
            timeline for getting to class on time   up to my plan. I wondered if there   family every day, rather than every few
            thwarted by my own penchant for dilly-  was something wrong with me for   months. None of this was in my plan
            dallying and I’d end up tumbling down   not enjoying Law, and I feared I’d be   – but if I’d followed my plan, I’d have
            the JCH stairs at breakneck speed   mocked by my peers for moving back to   missed out on being happy.
            every single day. Well-meaning plans   regional Australia.
            for essay submission developed with a                     
            tutor were often thrown by the wayside   While I did face some backlash for the   trailblazers-with-big-ideas-for-regional-
            when I fell down a hole of distraction   move, it turned out very few people   australia/
            and suddenly I was pressing ‘submit’   cared that I didn’t follow my plan, and
            at 11:58pm. Social outings often began   nobody thought I was a failure. The
            with a barely on-time arrival or a   sense I wasn’t going to live up to my
            ‘sorry, sorry I’m late’, thanks to poorly   potential came from me and only me.

                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  39
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